Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Your vote is being threatened, urge your representative to protect voting rights

SojoAction Alert

Our country is strong when voters pick their leaders—not when leaders get to make laws that allow them to pick and choose their voters. This is core to our democracy, and it is core to our faith which affirms the humanity and the value of every human being. Unfortunately, hundreds of laws have been introduced and several have been passed at the state and local level that would deny you the right to vote. That is why it’s important to email your representative now and demand that they protect your vote by passing H.R. 4—The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Take Action

We know our democracy is in danger because we have seen how far some are willing to go to block your vote, with a specific target on Black, young, and new Americans. Between January and July of this year, at least 18 states have enacted 30 new laws that restrict your freedom to vote.* In total, more than 400 bills with restrictive provisions have been introduced in 49 states. These laws would discriminate against voters based on their race, ethnicity, background, or even zip code. And last month’s Supreme Court Brnovich v. DNC decision makes it even more difficult for voters to challenge discriminatory voting laws in the future. This has clearly become a national problem that needs a national response. With important elections occurring in just a few months and again next year, the right to vote needs to be safeguarded now more than ever. These restrictive laws give a clear signal to every voter that our democracy is not a given.

This is why the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4) is so important. This transformative legislation would restore the protections of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that Congressman Lewis (GA) fought so hard to enact as a civil rights activist. These rights include:

  • Preventing states or local governments from introducing and signing into law any bill that infringes on your right to vote simply because of the color of your skin, where you live, or where you are from; and,
  • Defending you at the polls by allowing the federal government to send monitoring observers to any jurisdiction where there may be a substantial risk of discrimination at the polls on election day or during an early voting period.

Contact your representative and urge them to protect your freedom to vote and pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act now! 

Take Action

In faith and solidarity,

Rev. Terrance M. McKinley
Directior of Racial Justice Mobilizing


*Brennan Center, Voting Laws Roundup: July 2021

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