Thursday, August 12, 2021

We can all agree: everyone deserves a safe and healthy climate.

We can all agree: everyone deserves a safe and healthy climate.

Register for the Faiths 4 Climate Justice Action Training Mini-Series

Click here to register for Session 1 on August 25

Click here to register for Session 2 on September 1

Universal access to sustainable, affordable clean energy should be a given.

Indigenous peoples have the right to secure, stable land on which to live and raise their families without fear of exile.

Children deserve to have clean air to breathe, pure water to drink, and the ability to grow and play unhindered by devastating droughts, fires, and floods.

This planet and its natural, life-sustaining resources are a gift that we all treasure and depend upon. That’s why this week’s IPCC climate change report was so upsetting, and so wrong.

The world’s climate is a sacred trust.

Fossil fuel companies and major banks, ineffective governments, and fundamentalist cultural and religious forces are treating it like a sewer.

Greedy corporations are amping up tropical deforestation, which violates Indigenous peoples’ rights. Banks and asset managers are continuing to pour money into the very industries responsible for killing the planet.

It’s a deadly desecration.

As people of faith, we have a different vision:

A world with renewable energy for absolutely everyone. Millions of people, hard at work building zero-emission homes and offices, cars and trucks. Solar and wind installations to power it all. A generous welcome for climate refugees. Wealthy countries supporting those most impacted by disastrous floods, fires and droughts.

Some people think we’re naive; we know better. We believe that the era of conquest, extraction, and exploitation will give way to cooperation and community.  

On 17-18 October, at Faiths 4 Climate Justice: A Global Multi-Religious Climate Action, we’re going to demonstrate the beauty, passion and, most importantly, moral power of diverse faith communities to world leaders - and move them to do what’s right.

Let’s unite together.

Click here to register for Session 1 on August 25

Click here to register for Session 2 on September 1

At Faiths 4 Climate Justice, we’re going to demand bold and swift action to protect people and planet alike and show the world that a beautiful, just, sustainable future is possible.

Join us on 25 August and 1 September to learn how your temple, masjid, mandir, or church can share your light with the world.

In faith and passionate solidarity,

Rev. Fletcher and the GreenFaith crew

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