Wednesday, August 18, 2021 - Save these heroes

In Iraq and Afghanistan, brave interpreters took on massive risk to work alongside the U.S. military to fight the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. Their efforts saved countless lives. But many translators have been left behind. President Biden recommitted to relocating the translators and their families. But time is running out. As tensions in the region rise, interpreters are in more danger than ever of being hunted down. Sign now to tell the U.S. government to rescue these heroes before it’s too late.

Afghan & Iraqi Translators Saved American Lives. Tell Congress to Recognize them as Heroes

202,658 have signed No One Left Behind’s petition. Let’s get to 300,000!

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Afghan interpreter Janis Shinwari saved 5 U.S. soldier’s lives while serving as an interpreter for 8 years.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, translators serve alongside the US military and are essential to keeping us safe and helping us do our mission. And they do so at the risk of being targeted by the Taliban, including their families.

Janis is not the exception. There are many translators who have saved American lives on the battlefield. Like Fred, who saved 25 members of the Pennsylvania National Guard. Supporters had to crowdfund the money to fly him and his family to the US before the Taliban killed him. After serving, Steeler’s Offensive Tackle and Army Ranger Alejandro Villaneuva worked hard to get his Afghan translator here.

After serving alongside our military, many translators received SIV’s or Special Immigrant Visas, so they could relocated to the United States. Unfortunately, they are not considered veterans.

We are asking Congress to honor its promise to our wartime allies. We want them to be treated as the heroes they are when they finally come here after years of screening by the State Department, Defense Department, and Department of Homeland Security. We are not asking for VA benefits. This is an innovative idea that comes at no cost to the taxpayer and requires no new regulations.  Best of all, we have bipartisan support!  Yes, people in D.C. can agree on the same thing.  

Since at least World War 2, the United States has a very checkered history of honoring our promises to our wartime allies. Yes, big alliances like NATO matter, but it is the friendships and trust at the individual level that is our greatest diplomatic tool. The world knows that we didn’t fully take care of the Filipino soldiers that helped us in World War 2, the Koreans during the Korean War, the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, and now the brave men and women from Afghanistan and Iraq who risked everything to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. With your help, we can change this.

We need your voice to get this to the Senate floor. It’s time the American people demand our representatives to stand shoulder to shoulder with those that saved American lives. 

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