Saturday, August 14, 2021

Accompaniment on hold, our relationship is not.

Accompaniment on hold, our relationship is not.
Today three PPFers are leaving for Colombia for a visit from August 13 - 21.

The goals of this trip are to show up in affirmation of our partnership with the IPC and to share what we observe, learn, and experience with you in the PPF network. Though accompaniment has been on hold since the pandemic, our relationship has not.

Ruth Noel, Joey Haynes, and Alison Wood will get to spend time with our friends in the church, visit communities the IPC supports, and participate with Colombian and other international peacemakers in an International Seminar on Reconciliation, Nonviolence, and Sustainable Development. Stay tuned for our stories and reflections while we’re traveling. We will host a trip report back via Zoom on Sept 8 at 7:00pm ET. You can register here for that conversation.

Please be in prayer for the IPC as they continue to accompany ex-combatants dedicated to peace; for all Colombians facing increased poverty, a government working against peace and delaying the vaccine process, horrific police brutality; and for the folks traveling from PPF who will answer this call to bear witness. 
Attend the conference virtually

During their trip the group will be participating and presenting at a local conference: Reconciliación, Noviolencia y Desarrollo Sostenible (International Seminar on Reconciliation, Nonviolence, and Sustainable Development) from Aug 19 - 21.

You can sign up to participate virtually, there will likely be no translation available. Register Here.
News we're following
Colombia's Strategy to Quell Protesters? Shoot at Their Eyes
Since the wave of protests began in April after the proposed tax reform, a national strike became a mass movement that includes people from poor and marginalized communities, including Afro-descendant, Indigenous, farmers, and young people.

There has been increasing police violence by ESMAD that human rights defenders have been documenting and tracking; specifically, over 200 protestors have been shot in the eye by anti-riot police.

“These attacks are systematic…and they are symbolic. The message being sent is that when young people open their eyes, they must be taken out,” Acosta said.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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