Sunday, August 15, 2021

TCR Breaking News: Statement from Executive Director Witness and Global, Dr. John F. Green, on the August 14 Earthquake in Haiti

TCR Breaking News: Statement from Executive Director Witness and Global, Dr. John F. Green, on the August 14 Earthquake in Haiti

ATLANTA, GA - Dr. John F. Green, Executive Director for Global Witness and Ministry of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, released the following statement regarding the 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti:

"Today, Haiti was shaken by a powerful 7.2 earthquake. Ongoing efforts are on the way to access the damages that left behind a devastating effect upon the people of Haiti and their properties.  As Haiti suffers yet another disastrous blow to an impoverished country still plagued with the damages left behind by  Hurricane Matthew in 2016, let us keep our brothers and sisters in prayer. The African Methodist Episcopal Church Department of Global Witness and Ministry has begun Relief efforts to respond to helping our brothers and sisters in Haiti with the establishment of the Haiti Disaster Relief Fund." 

Contributions to the Haiti Relief Fund effort can be mailed to:

Department of Global Witness and Ministry
Memo: Haiti Relief
301 Riverview Place
Jonesboro, GA 30238. 

"And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me'" (Matt.25:40, NAS). 

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The Christian Recorder is the official newspaper of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the oldest continuously produced publication by persons of African descent.  

Bishop David R. Daniels, Jr., Chair of the General Board Commission on Publications

Rev. Dr. Roderick D. Belin, President/Publisher of the AME Sunday School Union
Mr. John Thomas III, Editor of The Christian Recorder

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