Thursday, August 19, 2021

Together: experiencing transformation, constructing new conceptions

Imagining together as we work in trust and creativity
Joey, Ruth and alison have been in Colombia now for several days listening and learning alongside our partners at IPC. In reflecting on the past year-plus of the ongoing pandemic, Rev. Diego said,

"We've experienced a transformation of the conception we had of church, of society, of the family... we are working to construct new conceptions."

One of the things we're exploring together this week is what kind of new conceptions of accompaniment might be useful in the world of today. Conversations are just beginning, but we're working in trust and creativity.

Be sure to sign up for the post-trip conversation so we can be in dialogue with all of you about what is emerging! There is much we can do to deepen this commitment even if the nature of that support looks different than previous iterations!

Plan to join us: Sept 8 at 7:00pm ET. Register here for that conversation.
Listening for our role
Earlier this week we met with Rep. Gomez Gallego who said to us, "I have seen a lot. I saw the student movement in the 70's, in '96 and in '03, and this [the national strike since April] is the biggest mobilization in all of Colombian history...and it's almost the most violent in any country."

He went on to say, "The US government, including Biden, is complicit in all this violence. The United States has a democratic face, but supports dictatorial countries."

As we continue to learn and listen this week, we are especially attuning to what is our role as US citizens; how can we leverage our power to support the peace process in Colombia?
Saludos from our partners!
with Pastor Hary, Presbyterian Church in Apartado
abrazos firmes desde Sarah y German
Diego and Yasmin send their saludos to all of PPF!

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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