Saturday, August 14, 2021

Aug 19 Training for Guns to Gardens Sept. 4

Gun Violence Prevention
News for Congregations
August 2021
Contents in this Issue:
1. Register for Wed Sept. 1 Celebration for Gun Violence Prevention Awardees
Cheryl & Doug Hunt
Photo, Keynote Speaker Kathryn Fleisher

2. Guns to Gardens Launches Sept. 4
Register for Aug. 19 Training Webinar for this New National Disarming Event. Get your chop saw ready!

3. Sun. Aug. 29 Presbyterian Gun Violence Response & Recognition Day

Wed. Sept. 1, 8pm ET & 5pm PT Join us for an inspiring global online celebration as retired educators and gun violence prevention activists Cheryl and Doug Hunt receive the Barstow Driver Award for Excellence in Nonviolent Direct Action in Retirement. The event, hosted by PPF's Timothy Wotring, will feature music from First United Church of Oak Park, IL and keynote speaker Kathryn Fleisher, Executive Director of Not My Generation, a young adult organization which works to be the last generation to pass on the epidemic of gun violence.

Registration is free and donations are encouraged. This is an important fundraising event for the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, with a special gift to Not My Generation.

Learn more in this Presbyterian News Service article HERE

Guns to Gardens

On Sept. 4 the NRA celebrates its 150th anniversary and the achievement of its goal of "guns everywhere." That day we launch Guns to Gardens, a new project by churches across America to disarm and remove unwanted guns from homes and communities.

Our National Sept. 4 Goal: Disarm 150 guns
These initial September events in congregations can be small, even one firearm. We will add up. Explore this project for your church or presbytery in these steps:

Register HERE for Aug. 19 Zoom Training Event at 3pm ET with Mike Martin of RAWtools.
For ten years, RAWtools has brought Isaiah 2:4 to life by forging guns into garden tools.

Download HERE the Guns2Gardens Digital Toolkit to promote a disarming event and provide your neighbors and church members a way to safely surrender unwanted guns. Use #Guns2Gardens

Sign Up HERE to explore a Guns to Gardens event in your community for Sept. 4 or for a later date.

Send us your photos, videos and stories to share with other congregations for future actions.
For questions, contact Rev. Deanna Hollas at

Sun. Aug. 29 Gun Violence Response & Recognition Day,
part of Presbyterian Week of Action. See HERE for liturgy, hymns, prayers and a Minute for Mission video on gun violence awareness. There will be a vesper service at 5pm ET to remember victims and to recommit ourselves to action to end gun violence. Follow-up actions and materials will be provided to participants, congregations and mid councils, including PC(USA) Gun Violence National Resources, “Trigger” and its screening kit, Gun Violence Action Alerts and Advocacy opportunities, “Standing Our Holy Ground” webinar series from the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program, and connections with the Vital Congregations movement.

Presbyterians Today July/August Issue

See a feature story in Presbyterians Today Magazine with a focus on gun violence awareness and advocacy. Writer Mike Givler interviews PPF's Deanna Hollas on her roots in the Texas gun culture and her work today to multiply and support Presbyterian advocates for gun violence prevention. See pages 26-29 in the July/August issue HERE.
Read more HERE about the June 13 Guns into Gardens event in Boulder, CO.

We thank Community United Church of Christ, Boulder, CO for use of the Guns to Gardens Logos.

Gun Violence Prevention Ministry
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Rev. Deanna Hollas, Coordinator
Facebook ‌ Twitter ‌ Instagram ‌
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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