Monday, August 23, 2021 - 3 year old girl on the stand alone in a court room in-front of her abuser to testify.

3 year old girl on the stand alone in a court room in-front of her abuser to testify.

Rachel Marenkewicz started this petition to 67th District Court Flint Michigan, Sheriff Swanson, Genesee county and it now has 10,443 signatures

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My daughter who is 3 1/2 years old (birthday October 23rd) was molested by our roommate Timothy James Clingerman. He made a partial statement that got him charged with 1st degree criminal sexual conduct while in questioning, and has been in jail ever since. After my daughter confided in us (her parents). After we called CPS, Police, and then took her to the hospital. She has told child forensics what happened and has told her therapist what happened. We were told she was too young to testify and she wouldn’t have to face her molester again and that someone else could testify for her (her therapist) or at least do it alone with the judge so it didn’t cause more trauma! I (her mother) got a call stating she cannot use her therapist nor anybody else and does in fact have to see her molester again and has to tell an entire court room what happened to her and if not then case gets dismissed. This will cause more trauma to her, and more emotional distress. Please sign so my 3 year old daughter does not have to testify IN FRONT of her abuser! Or that we can use her therapist! Or do it alone in the Judges quarters. Thank you! 

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