Friday, August 20, 2021 - Racist school mascot

Many schools and sports teams have changed their offensive mascots as they’ve acknowledged the racist past behind them—but not Holt High School. HHS is a school in Missouri that currently has a Native American as a mascot. Petition starter Arthi believes their mascot is a “…huge symbol of disrespect towards the Native American tribes that have struggled to keep their culture alive and respected.” Sign their petition to take a stand against racism—fight to make our country a better place for all. 

Change Holt’s Mascot that is Racist to Native Americans by Cultural Appropriation

7,731 have signed arthi kondapaneni’s petition. Let’s get to 10,000!

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Holt High School (apart of the Wentzville School District) has had their school represented through their mascot, a Native American. This is a huge symbol of disrespect towards the Native American tribes that have struggled to keep their culture alive and respected. Holt having their mascot as an Indian (Native American) is a form of cultural appropriation and disrespect. For example, if their was a school with an Asian or Black person as their mascot, it would be quickly shut down. Native Americans deserve the same amount of consideration to their culture just as much as any other race does. Sign this petition so we can slowly help fight against racism. This may not seem like a “big deal” but small actions will start to add up, and we can make our country better than it was yesterday. 

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