Wednesday, August 25, 2021 - High School Bathroom Policy

A high school in Arizona recently amended their bathroom policy to limit each student to 4 bathroom passes per semester. Not only is this policy irrational, but it’s also sexist and ableist. Students should be able to use the bathroom more than 4 times per semester. Add your name to help Ceanna and the students of Sahuaro High School change this policy immediately.

Sahuaro Bathroom Pass Change

1,472 have signed Ceanna Esquibel’s petition. Let’s get to 1,500!

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Our School is telling us that we have only 4 Bathroom Passes per semester. Essentially we will get a punchcard and our teacher will punch holes and we are only allowed to have 4 punchholes for the whole semester. Not only is this stripping us from our basic right to use the bathroom at our free will, but it is sexist to women. Every month we have our periods and we need to change our pads, tampons, etc. and this new rule we will have to decide whether we want to use the punch hole on periods or using the restroom. If a student needs to use the bathroom it is an emergency. Why do the teachers need to know our business? If we ask to go to the bathroom obviously we need to go. By signing this petition, you will be agreeing to the fact that we have the basic human right to use the restroom and not to enforce this punchcard rule. I will be showing the results to Mr. Estrella with the complaint that he should not enforce this rule. Please share with other students we need to be heard. 

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