Thursday, August 5, 2021 - This pregnant mom is in danger

Raquel served 11 years in prison for a first-time marijuana offense. She was released early in 2020 for model behavior and reunited with her 3 children. She met and fell in love with Ricky just a few months later. Now they are engaged and expecting a child. But because she allegedly missed one daily check-in phone call, Raquel is back in a correctional institution. Raquel has a high risk pregnancy, and Ricky is terrified for the safety of her and their unborn child. Just a few months ago, a mother in the same facility died after giving birth because of an ongoing COVID outbreak. Sign to help Ricky get Raquel home where she can deliver safely.

Free my pregnant fiancé, Raquel Esquivel

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In April 2009 Raquel Esquivel was found guilty of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute marijuana.  In November 2009, she was sentenced to 15 years for her first offense!  After being a model prisoner, and serving 11 years of her 15-year sentence, in April 2020, Raquel was released under the Cares Act.  

She returned to her community and reunited with her three children.  We began dating in July 2020 and are now engaged to be married.  Raquel is six months pregnant with my child and we are excited about starting a family together.  In May 2020, Raquel was hired by T Bar Drilling, Inc.  Her boss, LuAnn Hutto, said, “Raquel is one of the most honest and hard-working people" she has ever employed.

Because Raquel was released under the Cares Act, she was required to wear an ankle monitor that was supervised by the Half-Way House in Del Rio, Texas.  She was also required to call the half-way house each time she moved locations at her work, going from job site to job site.  

Due to what we believe was an unfortunate clerical error, Raquel was violated from the Cares Act on May 10, 2021 and charged with escape after it was noticed, two months after the fact, that Raquel had purportedly missed a call on March 4, 2021. Raquel’s cell phone records and eye witness statements from Ms. Hutto and a co-worker reflect that she did call in.  On May 12, 2021, Raquel was taken by the US Marshal Service to the Val Verde Correctional Institution, where she remains.  On June 9, 2021, Raquel was sanctioned to 180 days loss of half-way house time, as well as the loss of 27 good time credit days

I am extremely worried for Raquel, her health, wellbeing and our unborn child.  One of my main concerns is that Raquel may not be getting proper medical treatment.  Right before she was violated Raquel’s Vitamin D levels were low and her doctor prescribed an extra daily dose of the vitamin.  She is also 37 years old and this is her fourth pregnancy.  Because of those two factors, Raquel’s pregnancy is considered high risk.  Raquel’s family and children are totally traumatized by what is happening to her at this delicate time.  They already suffered when Raquel went to prison in 2009.  Now I am horrified that I may miss out on the birth of our son and I worry about Raquel’s mental state, as well.   

Another worry is that Raquel may be sent to FMC Carswell, a medical center for female prisoners.  Last we heard, there are active COVID cases at the Carswell facility; the same facility where Andrea Circle Bear passed away due to COVID after she gave birth to her child. 

I am asking for relief from the Bureau of Prisons to have mercy on my fiancé.  Even if she did make a mistake by missing a call, it should not result in placing her and our baby in harms way. If the Bureau of Prisons won’t release Raquel during her pregnancy, I pray President Biden will intervene and grant Raquel clemency due to the extraordinary circumstance of her pregnancy during a pandemic and an innocence child is at risk. 

For more information, read more about Raquel’s story on the CAN-DO Foundation site and on the Midnight Report


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