Friday, August 13, 2021 - Facebook, Google, and local news

Local news is in crisis. Thousands of journalists have lost their jobs, while many local newspapers struggle to stay in business. This “news desert” has helped spread rampant misinformation—while companies like Facebook prey on local news content to get rich. But there is a way to help save local news. The News Media Alliance is fighting to pass the “Journalism Competition and Preservation Act.” The law would make companies like Facebook fairly compensate local news outlets when they use their content. Sign now to help save local news.

Save Local News

423 have signed News Media Alliance’s petition. Let’s get to 500!

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Today, many local newspapers are struggling to stay in business. Big Tech platforms, such as Facebook and Google, control how we access trustworthy news online and how journalism is displayed, prioritized, and monetized. They capture the vast majority of all digital advertising dollars because of their outsized ability to collect consumer data.

Local newspaper revenues have gone down and as a result, thousands of journalists have been laid off, “news deserts” are emerging across the country, and dangerous misinformation that threatens the fabric of our democracy continues to flourish.

A free and diverse press forms the backbone of a strong democracy, and there must be a fair exchange for the significant value news content provides Google and Facebook so that news publishers can continue to invest in quality journalism.

If you agree that quality local news is important to staying informed about local, regional and national events, please sign this petition and encourage Congress to pass the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA), a bipartisan bill that that would help ensure news publishers receive fair compensation from Google and Facebook for use of their original content, helping preserve trustworthy quality journalism in America.

Local newspapers across the country need the JCPA so that they can continue their vital and Constitutionally-protected work. Add your name to let Congress know that you want to save local news.

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