Thursday, August 19, 2021

Breaking News: Updates on the situation in Haiti from the 16th District and AME SADA

Update on the Situation in Haiti from the 16th Episcopal District and AME-SADA

August 18, 2021

Dear Members of the African Methodist Episcopal Church,

The Haiti Annual Conference is overwhelmed with gratitude for the caring response and the loving request to assist the country of Haití, which was devastated by a 7.2 earthquake on August 14, 2021. The Presiding Elder and Pastors are keeping me informed and the people encouraged as a strategy is developed to get aid to the affected areas in the midst of challenging circumstances.

Pastor Bernard has reported 13 families who are without shelter and spent three days under the rain from the tropical storms. Many are hospitalized, have lost crops, and cattle, therefore, the road to recovery will be ongoing as new discovery is revealed.

Several churches were damaged. Among them are Eben Ezer which is completely destroyed along with the parsonage, Union des Freres, and Porte Etioite AMEC, Lazil. Please continue to pray to God for healing and hope for these congregations. I will make known other congregations as they are reported.

Seeing the need and hearing the need, I am asking you to partner with the Sixteenth Episcopal District by contributing FUNDS to buy items in Haití, that will be disbursed to the populations in need to address the immediate needs of water, food, shelter, care of pastors, laity, and families who are crying for help in this time. Here are the options:

CashApp: $16thDAMEC
Givelify: "16th Episcopal District"
Checks: Payable to: 16th Episcopal District AMEC
               Memo: Haití Response
               16th Episcopal District AMEC
               P.O. Box 65699
               Orange Park, Florida 32065

We have a long journey ahead and I want to thank you in advance for your partnership with us, as we meet the needs of our sisters and brothers. I know that, With God and Us Together, Healing, Help, and Hope will come to Haití. Right now, join me and Supervisor Zanders in praying a Jeremiah 33:3 blessing on the country of Haiti.

Bishop Marvin C. Zanders II
Presiding Prelate, 16th Episcopal District

Click here to download the letter
Port Etoite AMEC, L'Asil, Haiti

HAITI UPDATE:  On August 14, 2021, at about 8:30 am (local time), a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the Southern portion of Haiti.  The epicenter was in a small town outside of Saint Louis du Sud, more than 80 miles from the capital of Port-au-Prince.  The administrative Departments of Sud (Les Cayes), Nippes, and Grande Anse (Jeremie) were the most impacted.  At this time more than 1300 deaths and over 30,000 homeless are reported, along with several thousand injured.  The two cities of Jérémie and Les Cayes are the largest population centers in the impacted regions reporting extensive damage.  Roads within and to the area have also been impacted, making a number of areas accessible only by air or footpaths (motorcycles).  In addition, the most mountainous region is reporting numerous landslides.  As a result, it is expected that a number of small villages will also be reporting property and infrastructure damage and loss of life.

AME-SADA does not operate in the southern part of Haiti and none of our facilities were affected.  However, there are several AME Churches in the region and a report on their status is awaited.  Telephone communication in the area is still difficult.

A more complete assessment of the damage and needs is expected in the next 48 hours from the Haitian Government and its allies.  It is anticipated that food, water, shelter, and medical services are desperately needed.  AME-SADA, under the leadership of its Board Chair, Bishop A. J. Richardson is in consultation with Bishop M. C. Zanders (16th Episcopal District of the AME Church) and Reverend J. Green (AME Church Department of Global Witness and Ministry) to recommend a strategy to assist in the immediate (food, medical supplies, and temporary shelter) and medium-term.  Based on past experience, it will be best to solicit funds and buy items in Haiti for donating to the populations and clinics in need.  

Robert Nicolas
Executive Director, AME SADA

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The Christian Recorder is the official newspaper of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the oldest continuously produced publication by persons of African descent.  

Bishop David R. Daniels, Jr., Chair of the General Board Commission on Publications

Rev. Dr. Roderick D. Belin, President/Publisher of the AME Sunday School Union
Mr. John Thomas III, Editor of The Christian Recorder

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