Saturday, August 21, 2021 - New Covid-19 stimulus package

As Congress goes on August recess, millions of Americans are still suffering from the financial devastation caused by the pandemic. That’s why the organization, Americans for Congressional Change, started this petition demanding another Covid-19 stimulus package. They claim that Congress has failed to act which has “...resulted in mass evictions and millions wondering where they will get their next meal.” Stand with your fellow Americans in this call for assistance—help pass a new stimulus package so families can survive this financial downturn.

Demand Congress Pass A New COVID-19 Stimulus Package

9,959 have signed Americans for Congressional Change’s petition. Let’s get to 10,000!

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We the people of the United States of America demand that congress meet and pass a new COVID-19 stimulus package that is aimed at helping the American overcome the financial ruin the virus has taken on our country. The American people can no longer wait for congress to stop in the usual political antics. We ca no longer allow families to be kicked out of there homes and go hungry. It is time for Congress to put aside there differences and work together in getting help to a suffering American people.

Since the ending of the eviction memorandum and expanded unemployment benefits provided by the CARES act in July, more than a million citizens have since become unemployed. That is a million people added to the already 30 million that have become unemployed since the pandemic began in March. These more than 30 million people have relied on federal funding from the CARES act to feed there families and pay there rent and mortgages. Congress failing to act and not passing a new bill has resulted in mass evictions and millions wondering where they will get there next meal.

Both Republican and Democrat members of congress have decided to take an August recess after initial talks have failed. This means that both parties are currently on vacation while these millions of families fear there financial future. Congress refuses to meet for new talks and have begun to use the suffering American citizens as leverage for there own political gains. We the people demand action from congress to return to Washington D.C. immediately and pass a new stimulus package. Otherwise, we demand all elected parties of office vacate their positions and be replaced by those who are willing to act for there constituents. 

The American people are not responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. We did not ask to be laid off from work. We are not lazy as some members of congress have implied. And we are not to blame for the economy collapsing. The American people have complied with all shutdowns and have worked to flatten the curve as our government requested. It’s time for congress to once again work together for the betterment of the American people and pass a new stimulus package to put a stop to the countless families going hungry every night. 

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