Tuesday, December 14, 2021

WCC joins global faith-based organizations calling on World Trade Organization to increase global access to vaccines

During a virtual press conference on 13 December, the World Council of Churches (WCC) joined leaders from the global faith community in releasing a letter signed by 115 organizations, representing five world faith traditions, calling on World Trade Organization member countries to act before year’s end to waive Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights rules. The faith community spotlighted the moral necessity of increasing access to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.  
Photo: Marcelo Schneider/WCC
14 December 2021

The letter emphasized that countries instituting discriminatory travel bans that harm the people and economies of low and middle-income countries will not end the COVID-19 pandemic. The faith-based groups urged increased global access to vaccines. 

“Waiving intellectual property rights for COVID-19 vaccines should be treated as an urgent matter,” reads the letter. “Our lives are intertwined. Making COVID-19 vaccines accessible to all should be regarded as part of a race to save all of humanity.”

The letter notes that this is the humane and moral step to take without further delay.

“Additionally, we call urgent distribution of the new COVID-19 medication and other diagnostics tools worldwide,” reads the letter. “There is no reason to delay acting immediately.”

Almost two years after its emergence, the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage, taking the lives of over five million people, straining human and material resources, and causing pain and suffering on every continent, notes the letter. “COVID-19 is impervious to borders, wealth, or level of development,” the letter reads. “Ending the COVID-19 pandemic requires that we shun historical practices that marginalize low-income countries while giving access to high-income countries.”

The letter further notes that most nations where many citizens cannot access vaccines—including multiple countries in Africa, Asia and South America—are largely home to people of color. “Rich nations that have vaccinated more than half of their populations should not rest easy until we as a global community are all equally protected,” reads the letter. "The hesitation to make the vaccine available impacts everyone.”

If we share the information required for production, more companies can be equipped to create vaccines that will reach more people, urged the faith-based organizations. 

“We represent diverse faith communities with the shared value that the lives of all persons — young or old, all colors and genders, indigenous or migrant, laborer, or CEO — are equally beloved and that it is our responsibility to ensure the preservation and dignity of all equally,” concludes the letter. “Furthermore, as people of faith, we believe it is our moral responsibility to save all lives and that such action is within your grasp.”

Among speakers at the press conference was Rev. Dr Angelique Walker-Smith, senior associate for Pan-African and Orthodox Church Engagement, Bread for the World and a member of the WCC central committee. 

Read the full letter

WCC resources on the COVID-19 pandemic

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The World Council of Churches promotes Christian unity in faith, witness and service for a just and peaceful world. An ecumenical fellowship of churches founded in 1948, today the WCC brings together 349 Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and other churches representing more than 550 million Christians in over 120 countries, and works cooperatively with the Roman Catholic Church. The WCC acting general secretary is Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, from the Orthodox Church in Romania.

Media contact: +41 79 507 6363; www.oikoumene.org/press
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