Wednesday, December 1, 2021 - STOP OHIO HOUSE BILL 454 — PROTECT TRANS KIDS


Jules Hoffman started this petition to Ohio State House, Bob Cupp, Mike DeWine, and it now has 8,370 signatures

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Recently, The Ohio House has proposed a bill that can only be described as an attack on trans youth. It is the H.B. 454, also known as the S.A.F.E. (Save Adolescents From Experimentation) Act. 

It seeks to ban gender-affirming healthcare for minors (even with parental consent), as well as force teachers and school counselors to out trans youth to their parents. These school officials could even out children they suspect to be trans, and this would be protected under the law. Medical professionals would be able to lose their licensure for providing, or even referring, trans kids to gender-affirming healthcare. (More info here:

According to the largest survey of trans youth ever conducted, “…over HALF have seriously considered suicide.” It has been proven, time and time again, that social support and gender-affirming care greatly reduces suicidal ideation. Trans healthcare and acceptance saves our lives. The bill that the Ohio government is trying to pass is inhumane, violent, and quite frankly, terrifying. It is a direct attack on children disguised as something protective.

Please sign this petition, as well as call the Ohio Speaker Bob Cup’s office directly to leave a message at (614) 466-9624, to speak out against this bill and any future legislation that seeks to threaten healthcare access and social safety for trans children. 

Share this link with friends, family, and others in your community. We need to use our voices. This would kill and endangers countless transgender children, but there is still time to stop it.

Read the bill here:

Statistic source:

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