Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Change.org - Removing IUPD’s New Decision to not disclose specific locations of Sexual Assault Cases

Removing IUPD’s New Decision to not disclose specific locations of Sexual Assault Cases

Molly Ross started this petition to IUPD, and it now has 11,591 signatures

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IUPD is no longer listing the specific locations of reported campus sexual assaults on the public crime log. They say the new policy of withholding names of fraternities and residency halls is to protect students and their privacy. This is not protecting privacy, but rather enabling fraternities to continue sexual assault culture without being held accountable or implementing programs to fix the issue. Furthermore, this policy actively works against the protection of the rest of the student body. Students have the right to all the information necessary for their safety.

If you are wanting to donate this cause you can Venmo Shatter The Silence @stsoncampus! This money will go directly to organizations and charities that work to end Sexual Assault on campus. Donating directly on this petition goes to Change.org and petition leaders do not get a say on where the money goes. 

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