Friday, December 24, 2021

The weary world rejoices

Joy, Even in the Grief
Adam Russell Taylor

This week, we prepare to celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus — a time to reflect on the singular feeling of joy — even as we carry profound grief: the loss of loved ones, weariness as we enter into another year of a surging pandemic, isolation, and canceled plans. While it can seem impossible amid our fear and exhaustion, we are called to hold onto the joy of the newborn king — and honor the joyful moments we have experienced in a year filled with heartache.

The scientific miracle of effective vaccines make it possible for many families to gather this holiday season more safely than last year. I experienced great joy after vaccines for 5- to 11-year-olds were approved — and my two sons were able to be fully vaccinated just in time for Christmas. 

We saw small moments of joy as the country began to right some of the wrongs of the Trump era, like rejoining the Paris climate agreement and ending the Muslim ban. Throughout the fall, I felt the joy of getting my second book out into the world and seeing its message of how we can bridge division and rededicate ourselves to the project of building the Beloved Community resonate with audiences across the country, both virtually and in person.

Finally, my heart is full of joy to steward and work with my colleagues to advance the mission of Sojourners, which includes the work of informing, inspiring, and equipping people to put their faith into action for justice and peace. While it can be a struggle to live with the disparity between the way things are and the way things ought to be, I’m grateful that we get to work together to co-create what ought to be: kingdom space that affirms human dignity and brings great joy.

May you and yours experience the profound joy of Christ’s birth this week as well as joy in many other ways new and old, expected and unexpected.


Read More

24 Christmas Quotes About Faith and Justice (by Olivia Bardo)

At its core, the Christmas story is radical.

Remain in Mexico, Remain in Egypt (by Michael Woolf)

Biden has betrayed any hope for a compassionate immigration and asylum policy.

What Mary Didn't Know (by Amar D. Peterman)

During my own period of deconstruction, I found Mary to be more comforting than God.

For Today’s Moms, There's Still No Room at the Inn (by Lauren W. Reliford)

We claim to celebrate motherhood, yet U.S. policies fail the Marys among us.


From the Magazine

The Discipline of Delight (by Liuan Huska)

Holding onto wonder in the face of loss.


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