Saturday, December 18, 2021 - Title IX

Content warning: The following contains reference to sexual violence.

Serena was a high school freshman in North Carolina when she was raped by a football player. She tried to open an investigation with the vice-principal, but was told that she could be the one facing suspension for being in the boy’s bathroom. At age 20, Serena is now sharing her story. It’s led to an outpouring of similar reports from students across the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District. Serena is determined to protect future students from facing the trauma she went through. Join her in demanding a Title IX investigation into Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.

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Recently, Hawthorne Academy of  Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) made headlines for suspending a student after she reported a sexual assault. While this may sound like a horrible isolated incident, I know firsthand that it was not.

My name is Serena Evans. Beginning at Alexander Graham Middle School, I was sexually harassed frequently. I was not taken seriously, and the incidents were not looked into. Fast forward to high school.

In 2016, I was raped 2 months into my freshman year in a Myers Park High School boys bathroom. It was right after school before one of our regional tennis matches. I was a barely 15-year-old star tennis player, about 5’2, and about 110lbs. He was a senior football star, about 6ft, and about 300lbs. The rape caused an ovarian cyst to rupture resulting in months of excruciating pain.

Two days after my mom found out what had happened to me, she emailed Principal Mark Bosco. Bosco did not respond to my mom’s email. Instead, he pawned my case off to Assistant Principal Tyson Jeffus. We were not informed of an investigation, and Title IX was not mentioned. 

I was a CHILD. I needed help, but instead, my rape was shoved under the rug. I was told by Jeffus that I was not allowed to talk about my rape with anyone except for him. I was also told that if I were to go through with an investigation and my rapist was found innocent I would be suspended because the rape occurred in the boys’ bathroom. I was also told that the suspension would damage my chances of colleges accepting me. I was blamed for what happened to me. Meanwhile, Mr. Senior Star Football Player continued to be a glorified athlete.

CMS has a long history of covering up rapes and assaults, and I am just one case. Below are some of the other cases of sexual violence at CMS schools.

Myers Park High School:

  • In 2014, Nikki Wombwell was raped in the woods on the edge of campus by an ex-boyfriend. She was also told she could be suspended if she filed an investigation and the perpetrator was found not guilty. Her petition can be found here
  • Since Nikki and myself have come forward publicly, at least 4 other former Myers Park students have come forward saying their assaults were also mishandled.

Olympic High School:

  • A 16yr old was sexually assaulted on the school’s campus.
  • A week later, another student at Olympic was allowed to play in a football game with an ankle monitor after being charged with sexual assault.
  • Students at Olympic protested this and several female athletes were benched due to protesting.
  • The principal was caught on tape blaming sexual violence on what girls wear. 

West Charlotte High School:

  • A 15yr old reported being assaulted on campus in September 2021. She was hospitalized at Atrium Health University City.

Hawthorne Academy High School:

  • A 15yr old student was sexually assaulted at school. Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department pressed charges against the boy for sexual battery.
  • Ignoring the findings and results of the police investigation, Hawthorne Academy High School accused the female student of filing a false report and suspended her.
  • Even after reopening the investigation and suspending the Hawthorne principal and vice-principal, they are still requiring the victim to take a class called “Sexual Harassment is Preventable” and refusing to allow her to participate in school programs. 
  • You can find the petition for her case here

CMS has caused irreparable damage with the way they’ve treated survivors. The school board and administration must be held accountable so they can’t continue to harm students. Join survivors in demanding a full, external Title IX investigation into Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and the administrations of Myers Park High School, Olympic High School, and Hawthorne Academy.

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