Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Compassion, peace, and justice never take a holiday

advent white dove ornament

As fall color gives way to the first snows of winter in many parts of the United States, our thoughts turn to the incredible gift that we celebrate at Christmastime: Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God with us. And Christ is our constant reminder that we are called to compassion, to seek justice, to be God’s hands and feet in this world, even in our revelry. The final Justice and Peace Monthly of 2021 looks at many ways the Compassion, Peace & Justice ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) strive to live out Christ’s commands, from speaking out to serving our siblings around the world, even in the ways we celebrate.

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paper angel ornament
How to have an Earth-friendly holiday season

This time of year, there’s pressure to buy gifts and gadgets that aren’t always needed and it’s tempting to use a lot of disposable products, such as wrapping paper. The Presbyterian Hunger Program is offering advice for people who want to engage in more earth-friendly holiday celebrations this year.

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two beds and book shelves
Do you or someone you know have a home for an Afghan refugee?

In a late-November webinar, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and Church World Service staff highlighted one of the major issues in resettling thousands of Afghan refugees coming to the United States and agencies supporting them: Securing affordable housing.

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justice unbound front cover
Unbound’s immigrant and refugee devotional

For the 2021 Advent season, Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice features devotions written by people who are immigrants and refugees or who have worked alongside those communities. It started Nov. 28 and continues through Epiphany.

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COP26 outcomes draw mixed reactions

Some Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) partners who traveled to the United Nations Climate Change Conference last month in Glasgow, Scotland shared their reactions to an agreement reached by world leaders and reflected on their time spent there.

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rev. louis mitchell
PC(USA) Transgender Day of Remembrance service urges connection

For the first time ever, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) national offices offered a service recognizing the Transgender Day of Remembrance. The Office of Gender, Racial & Intercultural Justice organized the service in memory of people who were murdered because they are transgender.

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Ambassadors Training woman  holding microphone
Concerned about climate change? Here’s one way
to help.

PC(USA) is partnering with the Blessed Tomorrow Ambassadors Program to offer training that will equip you with the knowledge, hands-on experience, and resources to speak and act confidently on climate change and solutions. Register with the code PCUSABTAmbassador21 at the link, below.

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Rev. Karen Brown
SDOP chair closes REvangelism conference with rousing sermon

Closing out the REvangelism Conference and Montreat Camp and Conference Center, the Rev. Karen Brown of the Presbytery of Baltimore and chair of the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, urged participants to bury the words "I can’t" and get out into the streets.

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Rev. Jimmie Hawkins
Office of Public Witness statement on Rittenhouse verdict

The PC(USA) Washington Office released a statement in the wake of Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal on all charges related to the deaths of two people during a protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin: "This verdict is an indictment on the soul of the nation."

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People sitting in circle group therapy
Mental Health resources from the church

The holidays are a joyful, festive time for many. But for some, they can be a challenge, particularly for people dealing with losses of many kinds. If you or someone you love feels you need help coping with the season, some of these resources from the Presbyterian Mental Health Ministry may be a helpful place to start.

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Rev. Erin Swenson
Pioneering transgender minister lets her light shine

In 1996, the Rev. Erin Swenson became the first known person to change gender and remain in ordained office. She told her story last month on "A Matter of Faith: A Presby Podcast," which is produced by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and Unbound: An Interactive Online Journal on Christian Social Justice.

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Matthew 25 1000 have joined milestone
What is a Matthew 25 church?

Matthew 25 is a living translation of Jesus Christ — strengthening relationships, transforming your church, and bringing alive your commitment to "serve the least of these" - those who are marginalized or in need — in your community and the world around us. Make no mistake, Jesus is calling us to perform ordinary acts of compassion in daily life. But we have also been called to consider the factors that led to these conditions, to confront the causes of inequality, to confess the sin of greed and to correct the problem of poverty — whether in our own nation and neighborhood, or around the world.

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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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Presbyterians for Earth Care - Pesticide and Pollinator Recording, April Webinar, & How to Take Action📣

Special Action Alert from Presbyterians for Earth Care Dear friends of God’s creation: As people of faith, we are called to care for God...