Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Change.org - Hulu: cancel Brooke's documentary

Brooke Preston is a young woman who was murdered in 2017. Against her family’s wishes, Hulu plans to release a true crime documentary about it. Brooke’s sister says, “We have been very clear since the first outreach that we do not approve of this and do not want it ever aired.” Join the Preston family in demanding Hulu cancel the documentary.

Justice for Brooke: TOGETHER we are her voice

15,963 have signed Preston Family’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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Petition to STOP Hulu’s release of the “documentary” Dead Asleep. 

I’m glad that mine and my family’s outlook on the “documentary” reached all of you. We have been very clear since the first outreach that we do not approve of this and do not want it ever aired. Randy is a psychopath and the fact that he sought out people to exploit the fact that he murdered my sister only confirms that. He has no remorse for what he did or what he continues to do to every person that ever cared for Brooke. We clearly will never be given the opportunity to grieve in peace. From her brutal murder, to the drawn out trial, to the appeals still taking place, and now to this; that much is apparent. Brooke was known and loved by our entire community. I’m not exaggerating when I say that this community we grew up in 100% supports and stands behind my and my family’s decisions and outlook when it comes to this “documentary”.  I hope that we can eventually stop this from airing entirely. My sisters story was told to a judge and jury that all came to the same conclusion. Her murder was not a result of a “mental instability”. Her murder was premeditated and 100% the result of a decision Randy Herman made on March 25, 2017. My sister deserves more. My family deserves more. Our friends and community deserve more.  PLEASE help us to stop this documentary from Airing!

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