Sunday, December 26, 2021

From reluctant to resolute: Tom’s story

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Today’s story is from Tom Darcy, a GreenFaith Circle member in Charlotte, NC, USA.
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I am a shy person; I normally try to find the middle ground. While I know I can’t make everyone happy, I usually try to agitate the least amount of people possible. Can you relate?

As you can imagine, I’m not the type of person who might jump at the chance to participate in a public demonstration. So, when I was invited to take part in a Faiths 4 Climate Justice public action, I felt nervous.

Nevertheless, as a member of a GreenFaith Circle, I considered my faith and what is at stake. My Circle challenged me to step up. Research shows that fossil fuel pollution causes 1 of every 5 deaths globally, and that is a fact I find simply unacceptable.

I decided to reach out to my congregation for moral support. They responded with prayer and encouraging words - and some of them even decided to participate in the event with me! This showed me first-hand the power of relational organizing. Together, we are strong.

On October 18th, about 100 folks of various faiths showed up at the NC Government Center to demand an end to the Earth’s destruction and a just transition to renewable energy.

Our actions received local press and TV coverage, sending a bold statement to our local officials. I even ended up on the news! It turns out that I am someone who is willing to take a stand.

We know that here in the US, major fossil fuel corporations and the banks who fund them are the major causes of climate change and the cascade of global injustice that results from it.

We need sustained and consistent public pressure on these officials and the businesses who are causing the most devastation.

Will you give today to support our ongoing efforts?

We will not stop until we realize the vision of a world governed by compassion, love, and justice.

Please, make your gift today.

In faith,

Tom Darcy
Charlotte, NC GreenFaith Circle Member

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