Wednesday, December 29, 2021 - Native rights

The Duwamish are the original inhabitants of Seattle, Washington. But they have been waiting 165 years for federal recognition, which would give them many important rights as a tribe under US law. Instead, the US government pretends the Duwamish do not exist. Recently, however, they have met with US representatives, and the Department of Interior is considering their application — it seems like they might finally have a chance! Sign their petition to join over 74,000 people who support the Duwamish’s pursuit of equal rights.

Federal Recognition for the Duwamish Tribe

76,683 have signed Stand with the Duwamish To Restore Federal Recognition’s petition. Let’s get to 150,000!

Sign now with a click


The Duwamish are the First People of present-day Seattle, and are the original stewards of this land. Since time immemorial, the Duwamish Tribe has maintained their ancestral home in traditional, sustainable ways for the benefit of all. Seattle is built upon and thrives on the lands of the Duwamish People, and the City still carries the name of the Tribe’s most well-known leader, Chief Si’ahl (Seattle). 

Chief Si’ahl of the Duwamish and Suquamish Tribes of Indians was the lead signatory of the Treaty of Point Elliott in 1855, and that agreement has never been invalidated. Yet the U.S. Government has continually failed to give the Duwamish People their rightful recognition.

This is an injustice that has persisted for far too long. The Duwamish Tribe’s leadership has fought long and hard to hold the U.S. Government accountable for the promises made in the Treaty more than 165 years ago. They are still waiting. 

Federal recognition does not create a tribe, but honors the government-to-government relationship between tribes and the United States. It is also vital to protecting the cultural integrity of the Duwamish People.

The Duwamish are the “People of the Inside”. They are rooted to this place and these waters. They demand accountability for their People today and for all the generations to come. Now is your chance to act: Take action today and sign the petition. The Duwamish are counting on you. 


Duwamish Tribe’s Website

Duwamish Tribe Fact Sheet

Duwamish Tribe & Environmental Advocacy

Promised Land Documentary

Real Rent Duwamish

Duwamish Tribe on Twitter

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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