Friday, December 17, 2021 - Erasing small town history

A historic general store in Plattekill, New York recently went out of business. Now it is being threatened by developers who want to demolish it. Town residents argue that it is a critical part of the town’s history — it served as a toll booth on the original road that brought travelers on horses and wagons through the town. Many older residents frequently discuss their memories and stories of the store on their town’s history page on Facebook. Help these store owners fight to save a piece of small town history.

Save the Plattekill Corner Store

1,060 have signed jeffrey hoppenstedt’s petition. Let’s get to 1,500!

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We The undersigned would like to save the former Plattekill corner store from being demolished. This building has been part of our small-town history for many years from horse and buggy days up until recently it has always been a store. This store can be found on old post cards to the very history book that the town of Plattekill helped put together. 

The town of Plattekill History is slowly being erased right in front of our eyes. The Plattekill store building would just be another building of our town history to be taken away from us. Plattekill history should be important to the town of Plattekill leaders. current leaders are taking away from what the original town of Plattekill started. Why would you want to ok the demolition of a building that has been featured in the original town history book? 

Within feet of the front door of the store there lies a very old cemetery that the town Pays to have mowed and taken care of. what will happen to it? what will be done to preserve it.

The Plattekill corner store building should be listed as historical. Please save whats left of our amazing towns history

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