Thursday, December 30, 2021 - Team 11

While serving in Afghanistan, Tom and his fellow Green Berets relied on a unit of Afghan counter-IED specialists. These heroes, known as Team 11, detected and disabled explosive devices to keep US forces safe. Tom credits his own life, as well as the lives of many other American Special Operators, to Team 11. Over 100 members of Team 11 didn’t make it onto flights out of Kabul earlier this year and remain in critical danger in Afghanistan. Join Tom in his fight to fulfill our promise and bring these allies and their families safely to the US.

Save Team 11

958 have signed Save Team 11’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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A unit of Afghan counter-IED specialists, National Mine Reduction Group Team 11, quite literally cleared the way for the Army Green Berets and Navy SEALs they partnered with. Their technical expertise and familiarity with Taliban tactics was indispensable as they detected and disabled IEDs (usually by hand) in advance of US forces. Many American Special Operators, myself included, are alive today because of Team 11.

The vast majority of Team 11 was not fortunate enough to be on the flights out of Kabul: Including their families, there are more than 100 of these allies of the US still in Afghanistan - and in the face of the Afghan winter, most will be out money and food in a very short time. ​As if their affiliation with the US military was not dangerous enough, Team 11 are Hazaras - an ethnic minority that has suffered extensive persecution at the hands of the Taliban. It’s difficult to imagine a higher-risk group in Afghanistan.

It is a moral obligation to provide for the health and welfare of our Afghan allies and assist wherever necessary to see them through the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) application process. They volunteered to do the most dangerous job in Afghanistan to further the interests of a nation they’ve never known. And did so purely on faith: Faith that we would be there for them when times got hard.

​We must ensure that their faith in us, as Americans, was not misplaced and fulfill our moral obligation by providing Team 11 refuge in the United States.

Sign to ask the State Department to fulfill our promise and get Team 11 safely to the US.

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