Monday, December 27, 2021 - NCAT Gymnastics

NCAT Gymnastics

Mariah Pearson started this petition to Earl Hilton, Dr. Gwendolyn Highsmith-Quick, Shawn Hendrix, and it now has 2,700 signatures

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Many students have to sacrifice their athletic talents in order to attend the colleges/universities of their dreams. This is far too common for athletes who have a passion for the sport of gymnastics. Of the 89 colleges/universities in the country that have gymnastics teams, none of them are historically black colleges (HBCUs). The goal behind this petition is to not only make the sport of gymnastics more attainable for students attending HBCUs, but to increase the involvement of African American women AND men in the sport. Sign this petition in support of helping North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University become the ONLY current HBCU with a gymnastics team. AGGIE PRIDE!

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