Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Bring Warmth and Healing to War-Torn Syria

JMP strives to help a country marked by unparalleled suffering and need.

It’s been over ten years since the crisis in Syria began. There is an entire generation of children who have witnessed horrors – children who don’t know what it’s like to play outside, carefree, and unencumbered. Lately, you can see children begging on the streets with their small palms face-up, as their unemployed parents are plagued with despair.

food giveway
JMP staff distributing a medication coupon for chronic illness

In 2021, the humanitarian needs in Syria reached its highest level since the start of the conflict. Widespread unemployment, a wheat and fuel crisis, low-incomes, and wide-spread inflation have caused 80% of people to live below the poverty line. A food and commodities shortage are forcing people to buy through the black market at enormously inflated prices, causing widespread food insecurity. It now costs a family of four ten times the average income for bare necessities. As each day grows colder, families are anxious because they are only allocated 50 liters of fuel for the entire winter season – enough fuel to heat their homes for one day. The health care system has been hit hard as well. Covid-19 has put additional pressure on an unprepared public health system, already severely impacted by the conflict. The cost of surgeries and hospital bills to treat heart issues, cancer, and Covid-19, have skyrocketed.

food giveway
A day of respite: JMP organized a one-day exploratory field trip

Throughout the hardship, JMP continues its services to Armenian communities in our three Syrian locations. With the help of their strong faith, our dedicated staff make every effort to stay positive so they can bring hope to our growing number of clients. Our comprehensive programs include providing medication for chronic illness, help with hospital and surgery bills, financial aid programs, social services, spiritual and emotional uplift, and more.

Food giveaway

Garo and his wife, Elo, could no longer afford to pay rent for their apartment and their workshop in Damascus. They moved to the suburbs where JMP helps them with the rent for their workshop, which is also their home. They are grateful that with JMP’s help, they did not become homeless and unemployed.

During this season of giving, you can make a difference by making a gift to help support JMP’s life-changing programs in Syria. You can bring hope to those whose lives have been shattered by conflict look forward to a brighter future.

"The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor." – Proverbs 22:9

Eliza Minasyan, Executive Director
Jinishian Memorial Program

JMP Young Boy
In gratitude

Please read JMP’s 2020 Gratitude Report and share with others.

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Amiri refugee family
Support JMP

Your gifts go directly to build up health, faith, farms and businesses by empowering local JMP teams in Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Istanbul, Jerusalem, Artsakh and Georgia. To make the greatest impact, consider making a monthly gift.

Thank you for standing in unity with Armenian Christian leaders to share God’s love with the most vulnerable and to build a brighter future for all!

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