Monday, December 20, 2021 - O'Hara the guide dog

Bella is a senior biology major who happens to be blind. She will be graduating in May of 2022 and would like her guide dog, O’Hara, to receive an honorary diploma on graduation day. O’Hara, internet-famous as ‘the Goodest Girl in STEM,’ has attended every class, lecture, and lab with Bella for her 4-year college journey. According to Bella, O’hara has opened up her world and deserves a diploma as much as she does. Help O’Hara get the recognition she deserves by adding your name today.

Help O’Hara Get a Diploma

21,434 have signed Bella Savannah’s petition. Let’s get to 25,000!

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My name is Bella, and I am a Biology student who happens to be blind.

O’Hara is a guide dog, who helps me navigate daily life. We have been a team since 2018, and O’Hara has spent my entire 4 year college career with me and has attended every class and lecture that I did. We both graduate in May, 2022. 

My hope is for O’Hara to receive an honorary degree from our college. This would not only have meaning to me personally, but it would also have meaning to her social media supporters who have been following our college life and are wondering if she will also get a diploma. It will also mean a lot to her puppy raisers and Guiding Eyes for the Blind, where she was trained. This would be a lighthearted choice for the school to show support for how hard service dogs work and a cute way to acknowledge her attendance. 

Please help O’Hara receive her own little diploma this upcoming May!

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