Monday, December 20, 2021 - Fire the Hawthorne Academy Board Members and Staff that Suspended a Sexual Assault Victim

Fire the Hawthorne Academy Board Members and Staff that Suspended a Sexual Assault Victim

Laci Bean started this petition to North Carolina State House, North Carolina Governor, North Carolina State Senate, and it now has 70,239 signatures

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A 15 year old girl at Hawthorne Academy was suspended after she came forward about her Sexual Assault by another classmate. She had been harassed by this boy almost daily and one day he followed her into the girls bathroom, pushed her into a stall. and sexually assaulted her. She reported it to the school and the school contacted law enforcement. The boy admitted what he had done and was charged. The school then informed the mom of the 15 year old girl that they didn’t find any evidence that the assault took place so they were suspending her daughter and forcing her to take a calls called "Sexual Assault Is Preventable." The mom told the school that the police had made an arrest and the boy admitted to the assault. The school informed her that the police’s investigation had nothing to do with their own. 

The girl now feels as if she is being punished for coming forward. The school staff and board members are refusing to make any statements on the matter. 
Victims of SA rarely come forward because they fear they won’t be believed. Situations like this prove them right. 

Hold the staff and school accountable. Sign this petition and call for their resignation.

Stand with the victim.

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