Thursday, December 16, 2021

Support PDA’s response to December 2021 Tornadoes

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The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
(John 1:5)

As night fell on December 10, a horrific line of powerful tornadoes ripped across several states, ending the lives of more than 100 people and wreaking devastation across many communities by the time morning had broken. One of these tornadoes was on the ground for a terrifying and unprecedented 250 miles, more than 200 of those miles in Kentucky alone, where the town of Mayfield saw the catastrophic destruction of much of the downtown area, including the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist churches.

It is the season of Advent — a time of watchful expectation that begins with a warning of impending judgment, the end of days, and continues with a prayerful journeying toward the birth of the Christ Child at Christmas, an ordinary babe dependent on the love and care of others for his survival.

In the wake of these terrible and catastrophic storms, it is the role of ordinary people of faith like us to shine as light in this bleakest of winters. We are called to be the hands and feet of God as we reach out to shelter, feed, care for and help rebuild the lives of those who have lost loved ones, homes, work and a sense of safety as a result of the tornadoes. We are invited to stand with them — and to stand together — bearing witness by our gifts and prayers that God is indeed incarnate among us, no matter what.

The needs for the response will be great. God’s people are once again called on to stand in the "GAP" — Give. Act. Pray.


GIVE: Gifts can be made online at, by phone at (800) 872-3283, or by check using the below reply device. You can also text PDA to 41444 to donate.


Stay informed and like us on Facebook (, download resources at and share updates with your congregation.

PRAY: As we awake to news of devastation and death from another natural disaster, we pray.

For those experiencing loss, confusion, and despair, may they feel comfort only your Holy Spirit can bring.

For the community leaders and emergency personnel, we pray for wisdom and strength as they work to restore and repair their communities.

May we heed your call, oh God, to be co-creators with you in the caring of creation, our communities, and your beloved children in their time of need.

May the hope, peace and love of the Christ child comfort and keep us all.

  • Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, President and Executive Director, Presbyterian Mission Agency
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202
800-728-7228 | 502-569-5000

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