Friday, February 18, 2022

What's gun violence got to do with it?

What's love gun violence got to do with it?
What's the connection between gun violence and militarism?

Both are rooted in the false idea that security can be enforced by might. We believe that the Prince of Peace calls us to be more creative & more courageous than that.

The Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Militarism Working Group will host a 90-minute webinar on Gun Violence & Militarism beginning at noon ET on Feb. 22. PPF is proud to sponsor this webinar which will highlight panelists: Shailly Gupta Barnes from the PoorPeoplesCampaign, John Lindsay Poland from Stop US Arms to Mexico and Jocabed Gallegos from Frontera de Cristo.

This webinar will explore the tension between faith and security, and our relationships with each other on personal, local and international levels as they relate to guns, weapons, and militarism. Webinar organizers will also suggest what Presbyterians can do to unmask the false narrative of “security through might” and take action for true peace. Register here.
Announcing a national Guns2Gardens Day
Guns to Gardens, the new movement to turn unwanted guns into garden tools, is going national!

On Sat. June 11, the Gun Violence Prevention Program of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship will join RAWtools and a coalition of religious, community and non-profit groups for a nation-wide day of Guns to Gardens safe surrender events.

We invite your congregation to join us in this historic witness --and to start getting ready now. We are working hard to help Presbyterian congregations be ready to participate on June 11 from coast to coast.

Thursdays March 10- April 14 at 12:30 pm ET.
Watch the interview: The Stories I Never Knew
William Plitt: Stories I Never Knew
In this interview with Michael Spath, Bill Plitt shares about his own transformation, his conversion into the struggle for human rights and liberation of Palestinians. Like so many, his transformation is rooted in relationships, particularly with the Nasser family at the Tent of Nations. That relationship called Bill--and so many others--to be a "steadfast witness" for hope and liberation, like the olive trees that sometimes remain standing and the olive trees that continue to be planted despite the Israeli governments efforts to destroy them.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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