Friday, February 4, 2022

Tell Congress: Support the "End the Pandemic Now" Resolution

Take action: Urge your Representative to support expanding global access to COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccines. 

The "End the Pandemic Now" resolution in Congress (H. Con. Res. 60) will help to provide the tools– in terms of capacity for testing, treatment, and vaccine manufacturing – that can finally help end the global pandemic.

Public health experts have been warning since the start of the pandemic that no one will be safe until vaccines, diagnostic tools, and treatments are readily available throughout the world. Yet two years into the pandemic, less than 12% of adults in low-income nations have had access to vaccines, and treatment and testing remain scarce. With these conditions, variants like Omicron will continue to develop and outpace our efforts to eradicate the virus. It will also prolong the domestic and global economic recovery.

Tell Congress: Support the "End the Pandemic Now" Resolution

As people of faith, we are called to care for the sick and serve the poor. Our nation has a moral obligation to do the same for our global neighbors, especially if we want a return to normalcy at home.

We must take decisive action to work as a global community to bring this pandemic to a close. The “End the Pandemic Now” plan can help us get there. Please ask your House representative to co-sponsor H. Con. Res. 60 today.

Tell Congress: Support the "End the Pandemic Now" Resolution

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