Wednesday, February 2, 2022

#Petition: TikTok - Add the option to not show content and account to minors

Nothing prevents a kid who is scrolling on TikTok from seeing mature content. There are several content creators on TikTok that do not cater their content to kids. They usually put “18+” or “not for kids” in their bio, but there is no setting they can click to prevent kids from seeing their content. Casey started their petition because they know TikTok can easily create a feature that would block children from seeing mature content. Add your name to tell TikTok to keep their app safe for everyone.

Tiktok: Add the option to not show content and account to minors

858 have signed Casey Seth’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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There are a lot of creators on tiktok that do not cater their content to kids. There’s a lot of creators that put 18+ and "content not for kids" and the like in their bios. But there is not way to actually bar minors from viewing their content,  as well interacting with it.

By adding the option for creators to opt their profiles and content being displayed to kids, this will elevate the platforms safety, regarding minors. This will protect kids from viewing content that they should not see. This will also provide creators with the peace of mind, for those that choose to utilize the feature, that their content is being viewed only by their intended audience: adults.

What happens if we have enough signatures?  Tiktok will finally see the need and desire for this function.  It will also force tiktok to pay closer attention to peoples ages. Creators will have peace of mind, that their content is going to the correct demographic.  Kids will not be exposed to content that isn’t meant for them.

What happens if this petition fails? Kids will continue to have vertually free reign on tiktok. Creators will continue to get frustrated with continuously removing and blocking minors that shouldn’t be on their profile in the first place.

Its great that tiktok can appeal to such a broad range of people. But we need a greater amount of control when it comes to the minor demographic. 

Sign now with a click

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