Tuesday, February 1, 2022

#Petition: Punishing teachers? - Reinstate CCSD Employee Sick Leave Donations

Employees in the Clark County School District are still required to come to school every day. COVID spreads quickly in schools, so teachers have used sick time more often. Because of limits on sick time, employees with more sick time accumulated could donate their time to teachers who need it. Now, the school district has changed its policy, and teachers can no longer donate sick time. Karlana, a CCSD employee, knows teachers in the district rely on these donations. She’s calling on the district to immediately reinstate the ability for teachers to donate sick time.

Reinstate CCSD Employee Sick Leave Donations

593 have signed Karlana Kulseth’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

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As of 1/10/2022, Clark County School District (CCSD) employees can NO LONGER donate sick time to our colleagues through HCM for COVID-related illnesses. It has been completely removed as an option to do so through our employee portal.

This is very concerning considering we are seeing a HUGE SPIKE of cases in our county and our colleagues. This also means those who are being held up with yellow badges and having to wait for test results and symptoms to dissipate may be looking at days with no pay and being written up with what is called a Code-10 (payroll coding for days without pay).

We, the employees of CCSD, request that President Cepeda, the other School Board Trustees, and Superintendent Jara reinstate this benefit for all employees through the rest of this pandemic. Until we are officially out of this pandemic, we need to be able to support each other and this was one of the huge benefits we had among our masses.

By allowing employees to donate their unused sick time to their colleagues, we are supporting each other by easing an economic impact that is out of one’s control. If CCSD is truly #1forkids, we need to be #1foremployees as well. Reinstating this benefit shows that employees are SUPPORTED AND VALUED by CCSD.

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