Saturday, February 26, 2022

It's time to join the global movement for divestment from Fossil Fuels

There are no reasons left to not join the global movement for divestment from Fossil Fuels
On January 19, 2022, the Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) voted to recommend divestment from five fossil fuel companies: Chevron, ExxonMobil, Marathon Petroleum, Phillips 66 and Valero Energy. Not only has MRTI done the engagement it’s tasked with doing, they have done the additional legwork to learn more about the climate crisis. We are grateful for that work. Now it’s time for different and more comprehensive work.

Meanwhile, trillions of dollars have been divested from the fossil fuel industry by over a thousand religious, municipal, and educational institutions, and reinvested in a just climate transition. More fossil free options have emerged for individual and institutional investments. There are now other processes with which the PCUSA must engage.

It’s time to take on all the things possible to respond to climate change: to reduce our carbon footprint; to invest in reforestation and a green future; to affirm and uphold international conventions on cooperative efforts; to support divestment from fossil fuels. In faith, let us do all the things.

We are winning! Divestment is taking root
We’re winning! Thanks to the tireless organizing of millions, over 1500 institutions globally, representing over $40 trillion (with a T!) in assets, have committed to some level of fossil fuel divestment!
That is a lot of money! It’s equivalent to offering every single person in the world a COVID-19 vaccination, 800 times over. It’s proof that going after the money is a winning strategy. As we prepare to make this real in our own denomination, we invite you celebrate the ways we are winning across the broader movement for divestment. Fossil Free PC(USA) has been a partner in this milestone!
On March 1, this moment is getting the celebration it deserves. Join the party with speakers like Bill McKibben, Omar Elmawi, Reverend Lennox and our own Rev. abby mohaupt! Join the party at 9am PT/ 12pm ET / 5pm GMT.
Meet our General Assembly Interns
Since 2012, PPF has supported several interns to attend each General Assembly. The PPF GA interns support many aspects of PPF’s General Assembly witness, including (but hardly limited to!) hosting the Peace Breakfast and Progressive Partners briefing, working with and briefing commissioners on issues of peace and nonviolence, contributing to PPF’s social media, and exploring how peacemaking fits into their faith, work, and life.

During in-person General Assemblies, interns also testified in committees, welcomed folks to the exhibit hall booth, and planned and led nonviolent public demonstrations and vigils. 

As General Assembly has shifted online, interns continue to be an integral part of PPF’s witness, focusing on digital organizing and supporting and connecting with commissioners virtually. This year, as in past years, much of our attention and energy will be devoted to supporting categorical divestment from fossil fuels. 

The interns strengthen PPF’s General Assembly witness because they bring their experiences in their home contexts and social movements to the work of General Assembly. And PPF seeks to support interns with training and by welcoming them into a faith community committed to nonviolent social transformation within and outside the PC(USA). 
Keeran Woode (he/him) is from Grand Island, NE. His favorite things to do are serving others, trying new foods, language learning, and spending time with his family. You will most likely catch him playing music or chilling with his dog, Cookie!
Hannah Johnson (she/her) is currently located in Philadelphia, PA. She works for Old Pine Presbyterian Church as the Youth and Children Coordinator, and also as a nanny. She love chocolate chip cookies, hippos and ABBA. She is excited to work with PPF throughout our very unique 2022 GA! 
Valerie Landis (she/her) is from North Texas but currently studying Political Science and Environmental Studies at the University of Kansas. She is a lifelong Presbyterian with some of her earliest memories being in her church's preschool wing or her mom's various committee meetings. She is passionate about fossil fuel divestment, impact investing, and all things environmental policy.

Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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