Friday, February 11, 2022

Lots to do for justice and peace in 2022

coin operated tower view and sunset

This month we find the Compassion, Peace & Justice (CPJ) ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) looking ahead to events in 2022, including CPJ Day, the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women, and the church’s General Assembly in June. At the same time, we are in the present, dealing with the latest crises brought about by climate change and injustice, and celebrating Black history. Read on to learn about your church at work in the world, and how you can be part of it. (Photo by Matt Noble via Unsplash)

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oil factory
Five companies recommended for General Assembly divestment list

The Presbyterian Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment recommended last month that five energy companies be added to the PC(USA) General Assembly’s Divestment/Proscription List. Pending approval by the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board, the proposal will be considered at June’s GA meeting.

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MLK Jr exhibit
Celebrating the life and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Representatives of a number of CPJ ministries joined PC(USA) colleagues from across the country in the church’s annual service celebrating the life, ministry, and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (Photo from January 2020 MLK service)

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EAD Save the Date April 25-27 2022
Save the date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days and its Presbyterian prelude

Start making plans for Ecumenical Advocacy Days and CPJ Training Day, this spring. This year’s theme is Fierce Urgency: Advancing Civil and Human Rights. Like the past two years, the events will be virtual. More information, including registration, will be out soon.

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Photos of palms
Order your Eco-Palms for Palm Sunday

It's time to start thinking about Eco-Palms. Why should your congregation consider acquiring them? There are so many creative ways to use them at church, and buying them has a positive impact on the lives of those who harvest them.

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woman standing in rubble
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance responds to numerous situations as 2022 begins

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance started 2022 responding to several unusual phenomena for this time of year, including tornadoes in the Midwest and wildfires in Colorado, and a catastrophic super typhoon that struck the Philippines.

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Rev. Gregory Bentley GA Co-moderator
Mass incarceration webinar now available to stream

The Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People’s webinar series, "The Struggle is Real," presented an episode on mass incarceration that included the Rev. Gregory Bentley, Co-Moderator of the 224thth General Assembly of the PC(USA), and other panelists. It is now available for streaming.

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black history month
What to remember during Black History Month

As Black History Month began, Unbound: An Interactive Journal of Christian Social Justice took to its Instagram page to remind us of a few important things as we observe the month.

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Presbyterian Peace Cards
Peace Cards prompt conversation, prayer and reflection

Peace Cards are an easy-to-use 92-card set from the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. They focus on peacemaking in six categories: personal, family, church, community, environment, and the world.

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Commission on status of women promo March 14-25 2022
U.N. Commission on the Status of Women coming
in March

The 2022 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women is March 14 to 25, and as always, there will be a Presbyterian delegation from the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations and Presbyterian Women. Learn more about what issues delegates will be addressing.

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Earth Care Congregations Hispanic/Latina
Bringing Earth care to Hispanic-Latina churches

Representatives from various Hispanic-Latina churches were introduced to the Presbyterian Hunger Program’s Earth care programming as part of a series of educational talks called "New Year, Earth Renewed" or "Año nuevo, Tierra renovada."

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Being Matthew 25 Feb 17 livestream
‘Being Matthew 25’ premieres with focus on living into Matthew 25 invitation

"Being Matthew 25," a monthly interactive livestream series designed to inspire congregations, mid councils and groups to help care for the least of these, debuted last month. Watch out for the next installment at 1 p.m. Eastern Time Feb. 17.

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Rev. Dr. William Barber, Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Rev Dr Liz Theoharis
Poor People’s Campaign plans June 18 March on Washington

Presbyterians and other people of faith are being encouraged to begin making plans to participate in a march and assembly of poor people and low-wage workers that the Poor People’s Campaign will hold this summer in Washington, D.C.

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for congregations and members
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Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
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