Tuesday, February 22, 2022

#Petition: Protect NFL players from injury - #FlipTheTurf: It’s Time to Swap NFL Stadium Turf for Real Grass

Of the 32 teams in the NFL, half still play on artificial turf—posing a risk to both players and the environment. Serious injuries are more common on turf, and 90% of NFL players believe artificial turf will shorten their careers. And since turf can’t be recycled, it leads to an estimated 330 million pounds of landfill waste each year. Pennington started their petition because they want NFL teams to switch from turf to grass. They’ll even provide it for them—all the team has to do is say yes.

#FlipTheTurf: It’s Time to Swap NFL Stadium Turf for Real Grass

11,115 have signed Pennington Grass Seed’s petition. Let’s get to 15,000!

Sign now with a click

Of the 32 teams in the NFL, 16 teams still play on artificial turf, despite the undeniable risk it poses to both players and the environment. It’s time to play smarter with Pennington.

The numbers don’t lie:

  • 28% more non-contact lower body injuries.*

    32% more non-contact knee injuries.*

    And 69% more non-contact foot and ankle injuries occurred on turf.*
  • Turf can get up to 60 degrees hotter than natural grass, increasing the rate at which toxic gases are released and ingested.**
  • 90% of NFL players believe artificial turf will shorten their careers.*** 

And the issue is bigger than just football. 

  • Currently, turf can’t be recycled in the US, leading to an estimated 330 million pounds of landfill waste each year, and microplastics in our water and irrigation systems.**** 
  • On average, one turf field requires over 440,000 pounds of petroleum derivatives. The production of which emits carbon, creates fossil fuels, and contributes to global warming. **** 
  • Unlike grass, turf does not cool the environment. It does not filter air and water pollutants. It does not fix carbon dioxide or release oxygen. Turf has zero climate benefits.***** 

As pioneers of the grass industry, Pennington believes in working with nature, not against it. That’s why we’re rallying for change. 

Every signature we get applies pressure to the NFL and its team owners to face the facts and make the flip to a more sustainable field. If they say yes, we’ll bring the grass— no questions asked. And we won’t stop pushing until all 32 NFL teams ditch the turf. Because every game the NFL allows to play out on turf actively puts their own players at risk. And in turn, our planet. 

Sign this petition to join the movement to #FlipTheTurf.



*Based on NFL injury data collected from 2012 to 2018

**Based on 2007 Columbia University study in New York City

***Based on 2010 NFLPA Survey

****Based on 2017 Synthetic Turf Council data detailing an average 440,000 lbs of turf and infill per sports field and an estimated 750 fields being replaced in 2018 

*****The University of Arkansas, “Turfgrass Science” Study, 2009

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