Friday, February 18, 2022

#GreenFaith - Here’s what bad climate finance feels like to the communities I work alongside in East Africa

Register for the Multi-Faith Climate Finance Summit, 24 Feb
9 am NYC/2 pm London/5 pm/Nairobi
2 pm California/5 pm NYC/25 Feb 9 am Sydney

Here’s what bad climate finance feels like to the communities I work alongside in East Africa:

Families forcefully displaced from their homes by fossil fuel companies.

No compensation for anyone losing their property.

Familial graves destroyed in favor of oil and gas pipelines.

Toxic pollution which degrades the environment and endangers biodiversity.

The promise only of indecent and menial jobs for our local communities.

These are the untold stories of the impacts that financial institutions in New York, London, and other financial centers have on my community in Africa when they invest in new fossil fuel projects, or the companies carrying them out.

The world cannot afford these immoral projects.

Instead, we need access to clean, affordable, and accessible energy for absolutely everyone. We need investments in green jobs that dismantle systems of poverty.

That’s why I want you to join me at the launch of the Multi-Faith Climate Finance Campaign on 24 February, at the times above. I’ll be there with other grassroots and financial leaders who have shown what it means to invest for a pro-climate, pro-justice future.

This kind of future is 100% possible - if we all come together.

Please, join me on 24 February and let’s show that we can make the world a better place.

In faith,

Meryne Warah
GreenFaith Co-Coordinator in Africa

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