Friday, February 25, 2022

#Petition: Protect rape survivors - Pass a Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights in Delaware

Content Warning: The following contains reference to sexual violence.

While in college, Carrie was repeatedly sexually assaulted. But in the aftermath of these attacks, no one was asking Carrie what justice looked like for her. The PTSD Carrie experienced from both the assaults and the aftermath led her to start this petition. In more than a dozen states, survivors don’t have common sense rights. For example, they may have to pay for their own rape kit and can be denied access to their police report. Carrie’s fighting to make sure others won’t face even more trauma after the worst moment of their lives. Sign to join her fight to guarantee the rights of survivors in Delaware.

Pass a Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights in Delaware

2,849 have signed Carrie Zhang’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

Sign now with a click

The following details a personal story with sexual violence. Reader discretion is advised.

I was sexually assaulted for the first time seven years ago. Then again six months after that, then six months after that. I did not realize what had happened until I was alone in my college health center getting swabbed for an STI check.

All of a sudden, I was sitting in the sexual violence prevention center trying to weigh options I didn’t understand and I certainly didn’t want. Do I report this? Is it too late? The questions posed to me weren’t "what do you want to do?" or "what does justice look like for you?" It was "how do you want to live with this for the rest of your life?"

I felt completely lost. I felt guilty for not taking legal action. I felt guilty for considering legal action. I channeled years of trauma, PTSD, and anxiety into the work I do now. I’m now part of an organization called Rise, which fights for the rights of sexual violence survivors worldwide. For the last 3 years, I’ve been working on a campaign in Delaware.

I’m calling on Delaware to pass a Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights that will guarantee comprehensive, common-sense civil rights for survivors:

Rise’s Five Key Civil Rights:

1. The right to not have your rape kit destroyed before either 20 years or the statute of limitations has passed (whichever is longer).
2. The right to be notified of your civil rights related to a sexual assault.
3. The right to not be charged for your own rape kit examination.
4. The right to access your own medical record related to a rape kit examination.
5. The right to a copy of your own police report.

Over forty states have backlogs for untested kits, including Delaware (source). Some states do not cover the full medical expenses of a kit, leaving survivors to pay their own way towards justice. Most states destroy rape kits before the statute of limitations for the crime has passed. The lack of these rights has inspired us to act.

This is a crisis for 25 million survivors across America, and it’s time for our legislators to do something about it.

Sign this petition, then learn more at our website -- and if you have a few minutes to contribute to the cause, take a look here at the quick, easy, ways you can make an impact now!

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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