Friday, February 18, 2022

#Petition: More people will die - Demand MTA to build safety barriers to prevent people being pushed onto the subway tracks.

It’s been a couple of weeks since Michelle Go was shoved in front of an oncoming train at Times Square. Since then, there have been 3 more incidents and 2 deaths. For more than a decade, New Yorkers have been asking the MTA to install safety barriers. They refused. Many countries including Brazil, Thailand, and Japan have installed safety barriers to protect commuters. Add your name to urge the MTA to install safety barriers and prevent more deadly incidents.

Demand MTA to build safety barriers to prevent people being pushed onto the subway tracks.

35,088 have signed SafetyforAll NewYork’s petition. Let’s get to 50,000!

Sign now with a click

Everyone deserves to be safe when riding the subways

At least 4 Asians have been shoved towards the tracks in about 6 months.

At least 50 people of all races have lost their lives  in just the first 8 months of 2021 (as reported by NY Post using MTA records), having been hit by a train, and others have narrowly escaped death. THAT IS OVER 6 PEOPLE EACH MONTH WHO HAVE DIED!

Shockingly, as reported, the MTA rejected an offer from a company willing to build safety barriers FOR FREE in 2007!

We demand that the MTA immediately open the bidding process to build safety barriers.  Further, Senator Schumer recently secured $6 Billion, representing the largest award from the Federal Transportation Agency, which is more than enough to begin the work on priority hotspots such as Times Square,  where Michelle Go was killed and a key hub for many New Yorkers. We ask that Sen. Schumer direct that some of the funds be used towards safety subway barriers!

HOW MANY LIVES WOULD IT HAVE SAVED-- since 2007--  if barriers had been built and the MTA had followed through on the offer to build barriers for free? 

Other cities with much less resources than New York have barriers that prevent people from being pushed onto the tracks, including St. Petersburg,  Bangkok, Seoul, Sao Paulo, and Hong Kong.  Many European and Canadian cities have safety barriers such as Paris and London.

Other transit systems have stations and trains that are not uniform throughout BUT found solutions WITHOUT excuses! 

Why not New York too! 

While the MTA claims it is too "poor", it has a history of mismanagement and at least 50 of its employees make over $279,000 (in 2019) --- more than the NYS Governor and NYC Mayor by alot --- with several of its employees getting lots of overtime so we New Yorkers will be paying even more towards their inflated pension into the future!

Sign this petition to call upon Mayor Adams, Governor Hochul, our Federal, State and City elected officials  to pressure the MTA to finally act to build barriers, first in heavily traveled stations such as Times Square, where Michelle Go tragically lost her life. 

A true New Yorker, she volunteered to help other New Yorkers. Let the loss of her life and others not be in vain.

To be clear,  signing does not mean other safety measures should not be taken, including possibly more patrols and resources to prevent the mentally ill from being a danger to himself or others, etc.

While safety barriers would not necessarily prevent every crime, it is undeniable that Michelle Go and countless others would still be alive. 

Let’s make sure what happened to Michelle Go does not happen to anyone else again!

EVERYONE deserves to use the trains to go to work, to school, and to enjoy all that this great city has to offer----in safety! 

Please sign and share on all social media platforms!

#safetyforall #stopallhate #savelives #MTA  #MTAHearUs #EnoughIsEnough #unity #RememberMichelleGo #StopAsianHate #StopInjustice #SafeSubways #NoFear #HearUs #GovernorHochul #MayorAdams #SenatorSchumer #SenatorGillibrand #NoMoreExcuses #SubwayRidersMatter #subwaybarriers #HearUsRoar 

#MTAworksForUS !!!!

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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