Tuesday, February 1, 2022

#Petition: Will you help end this pandemic? - Moderna, Do the Right Thing and Share Your Vaccine

Although wealthy countries and drug companies have verbally expressed that they intend to share COVID-19 Vaccines with the world, fewer than 10 percent of people in lower-income countries have received even one jab. On top of the death and suffering that this allows, it also creates perfect conditions for dangerous new variants, like Omicron, to emerge more rapidly. Join Nathaniel in telling Moderna to share its tax-payer-funded vaccine with others so that we can scale production and stop this pandemic.

Moderna, Do the Right Thing and Share Your Vaccine

36,653 have signed Nathaniel Baum’s petition. Let’s get to 50,000!

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COVID-19 continues to take an insurmountable toll. The millions of lost lives, the lost livelihoods, the illness, the isolation, the educational loss for kids, and direct impacts on our way of life.

We all know what an amazing feat it was that as of February, several vaccines were on the market that could beat this virus. However, getting people vaccinated has been extremely inequitable and lacking. Globally, we’ve given out approximately over 1.47 billion doses of the vaccine and about 4.6% of the world is fully vaccinated.

The Washington Post reported that 45% of all vaccine doses administered so far have gone to 16% of the world’s population. As of May 6th, just over 20 million vaccine doses have been administered across the African continent, which has 1.3 billion people. On top of structural inequities baked into our global system, we simply aren’t producing enough of the vaccines.

More worrying are new strains of the virus. As the virus continues to spread, it’ll have more opportunities to mutate which will increase the chances that our newly developed vaccines will be less effective. 

This petition calls on Moderna, Pfizer, and CureVac to do as follows:

  1. Participate in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) mRNA Technical Transfer Hub to help facilitate the sharing of knowledge around mRNA vaccines. 
  2. Partner with and assist other potential sites to provide targeted support to help them develop COVID-19 Vaccine.

This petition also calls on Angela Merkel and the German Government to also agree to waive its patents on COVID-19 Vaccines it has produced

Suspending the patents is an important step to allow others to produce the COVID-19 vaccines (the Biden committed to this step on May 5th). However, there are trade secrets and technical knowledge not in a patent that drug companies possess that are really important to scale up manufacturing. To this effect, the World Health Organization (WHO) had created the mRNA technical transfer hub to help facilitate this sharing of knowledge but Moderna, Pfizer, and CureVac (another company that produced an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine) have not participated. It’s really important that they do so.

Other companies around the world (many that might be well poised to retrofit their operations for an mRNA vaccine) could start producing vaccines if they had the know-how. It certainly may be challenging and take some work, but it’s an important next step to produce enough of these vaccines at a faster rate. And we need to beat this pandemic and we need to deal with the shameful inequities in how we are going about vaccinating the world.

If this virus has taught us anything, it’s that we’re all in this together. And governments and pharmaceutical giants need to heed this lesson. 

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