Tuesday, February 8, 2022

National Guns to Gardens Day June 11- How about your Church?

Gun Violence Prevention
News for Congregations
Feb. 2022
June 11 National
Guns to Gardens Day Announced

Guns to Gardens, the new movement to turn unwanted guns into garden tools, is going national!

On Sat. June 11, the Gun Violence Prevention Program of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship will join RAWtools and a coalition of religious, community and non-profit groups for a nation-wide day of Guns to Gardens safe surrender events. We invite your congregation to join us in this historic witness --and to start getting ready now.
Photo: Angela Major, WPR
Read below how one retired Lutheran
pastor brings Isaiah 2:4 to life.

Imagine: Churches from coast to coast, hosting safe surrender events, dismantling guns and forging garden tools!

The national event follows the traditional "Wear Orange for Gun Violence Awareness Sabbath" on June 3-5, so that congregations and other groups can use the Wear Orange activities to promote the June 11 gun give-back day. We are working hard to help Presbyterian congregations be ready to participate on June 11 from coast to coast.

How about your church?
To explore taking action, please join us for the

Guns to Gardens Spring Action Circle
Thursdays March 10- April 14 at 12:30 pm ET.

Bring your lunch or brunch to Zoom for 1 hour on 6 consecutive Thursdays. Learn what Guns to Gardens is all about. Meet other Presbyterians and encourage one another.
Learn more & Register HERE.

Spring Action Circle Topics Covered:

March 10: Educating your session and congregation on the reasons that people need a way to safely dispose of unwanted guns without putting them back into the gun market; Gathering allies and getting started.
March 17: Logistics of the event and chop saw training, or how to find someone in your community who already uses a chop saw
March 24: Gift Card best practices and fundraising if you wish to thank gun donors
March 31: Getting the word out: Publicity & Press Releases
April 7: Race and Guns
April 14: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Reflection

Our Winter and Fall Action Circles include churches from state capitols to tiny mountain towns in WA, NY, OH, GA, MD, NC, CO, SC, KY, CA and UT. They are currently learning logistics and chop saw skills, as well as taking steps to gain session approval to host a Guns to Gardens event. Some have already started with events. We suggest that churches start small, even with one gun from a member of your community who no longer wants to have the gun in their home. Our goal is a nation-wide network of churches who learn how to provide a regular service of dismantling unwanted guns in their communities.

Read HERE.
Photo: Angela Major, WPR

Looking for a Date for your Guns to Gardens Event?
Feb. 14 Parkland, FL High School Shooting 4th Remembrance
Feb. 20 Universal Day of Prayer for Students
March 2 Ash Wednesday or April 14 Maundy Thursday
April - Injury Prevention Month
May 6 Mothers' Day
June - National Safety Month & Wear Orange/Gun Violence Awareness Days &
Gun Violence Awareness Sabbath June 3-5
June 11 National Gun Safe Surrender Day!!!

A Note from the Editor..... Please reach out to me if you know of funding sources in your church or community for the Gun Violence Prevention Ministry of the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. We are growing! Creative ideas welcome, such as family foundations, church gifts or a part of your share of the peacemaking offering. Gifts are tax-deductible. Here is a direct link for gifts now.
Many thanks, Rev. Jan Orr-Harter, GVP E-News Editor GVP@ppf.org
Gun Violence Prevention Ministry
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship

Rev. Deanna Hollas, Coordinator
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship | 17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980

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