Thursday, February 3, 2022

#Petition: Save Tufts Children’s Hospital in Boston!

Tufts Medical Center recently announced that it will close its famous children’s hospital in Boston by July 1st after more than a century of treating sick kids. Tufts plans to convert the children’s beds to adult ICU and medical/surgical beds, citing market demands. Tim says that the real reason Tufts is closing the hospital is “because there is more money to be made in adult healthcare than childhood healthcare.” Sign Tim’s petition if you agree that kids and families need Tufts Children’s Hospital to stay open.

Save Tufts Children’s Hospital in Boston!

33,090 have signed Tim O’Connell’s petition. Let’s get to 35,000!

Sign now with a click

On January 20th, 2022, the staff and families of patients of iconic and historical Floating Hospital for Children in Boston, aka Tufts Children’s Hospital, learned in a blindsiding Zoom call and hurried press releases that this historic and fabled Boston institution would be closing its doors for good to children effective July 2022!

This historic hospital has been in existence for more than 100 years and now the operators of the hospital want to close its doors and its 40 children’s hospital beds and replace them with beds for adults because there is more money to be made in adult healthcare than childhood healthcare.

These hospital administrators should be held accountable for this insulting, ill-advised, inappropriate, and incompassionate decision that lacks any moral integrity whatsoever.  1000’s of children’s lives have been saved by the dedicated staff of incredible professionals at Tufts Children’s Hospital over the past 100+ years - why, because of ONE simple reason - they CARE!! 

If you are of the belief that this hospital should NOT close and that human beings, especially children, should not be discarded because of calculations on a spreadsheet, and if you want to protect the families and staff that work so tirelessly on behalf of their patients, past, present, and future, at Tufts Children’s Hospital, I implore you to sign this petition and hold the CEO, hospital administratorsGovernor Charlie Baker , Mayor Michelle Wu and all Massachusetts Legislators accountable and tell them to stand up and stop this tragedy dead in its tracks.  Kids deserve better.  Families deserve better. The incredibly amazing staff deserves better and our leaders should KNOW better.

This is so wrong on every single level imaginable...please help us give a voice to these innocent children.

Tim O’Connell, Tommy’s Place, Founder

Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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