Wednesday, February 9, 2022

#Petition: LGBTQ fear - #OutInChurch – For a church without fear

Last week, 125 LGBTQ+ Roman Catholic Church employees came out publicly. This was an act of bravery, but they feel it shouldn’t have to be. The group, called OutInChurch, started a petition to gain global support and work to end employer discrimination. Add your name if you believe everyone deserves a Church without fear.

#OutInChurch – For a church without fear

3,405 have signed OutInChurch’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

Sign now with a click

German | English

We are full-time, volunteer, potential and former employees of the Roman Catholic Church. We identify as lesbian, gay, bi, trans*, inter, queer and non-binary, among others.

Our group is diverse. It includes people who have courageously and often single-handedly dared to come out in a church context in the past. But it also includes people who have only now decided to take this step and those who cannot or do not yet want to take this step for various reasons. What unites us is that we have all always been part of the church and are helping to shape it today.

We no longer want to remain silent. We demand a correction of misanthropic magisterial statements - also in view of worldwide church responsibility for the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons. And we demand a change of the discriminatory church labor law including all degrading and exclusionary formulations in the basic order of church service.

Please sign this petition and support the #OutInChurch initiative and its 7 core demands:

  1. We want to be able to live and work openly as LGBTIQ+ persons in the church without fear.
  2. LGBTIQ+ persons must have access to all fields of activity and occupation in the Church without discrimination.
  3. The church employment rules needs to be changed. An open life according to one’s sexual orientation and gender identity, even in a partnership or civil marriage, must never be considered a breach of loyalty or a reason for dismissal.
  4. Defamatory and outdated statements of church doctrine on sexuality and gender needs to be revised on the basis of theological and human-scientific findings. This is of utmost relevance especially in view of worldwide church responsibility for the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons.
  5. The Church must not withhold the blessing of God and access to the sacraments from LGBTIQ+ persons and couples.
  6. A church that invokes Jesus and his message must firmly oppose all forms of discrimination and promote a culture of diversity.
  7. In dealing with LGBTIQ+ persons, the Church has caused much suffering throughout its history. We expect the bishops to take responsibility for this on behalf of the Church, to address the institutional history of guilt, and to advocate for the changes we call for.
Sign now with a click

Visit petition page

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