Monday, February 14, 2022

#Petition: California's soon-to-be homeless - Stop California Housing is Key Program from Ignoring Your Application!

Many people will soon become homeless because the California Housing is Key program has been too slow help. The process to receive aid is not supposed to take longer than 30 days, but some people have been waiting since April of 2021. Petition starter, Melanie, believes this is an emergency that needs to be addressed before California is “…swept by a tidal wave of evictions and homeless people which will affect the future of our state and quality of living.” Sign to help those in need.

Stop California Housing is Key Program from Ignoring Your Application!

969 have signed Melanie Wall’s petition. Let’s get to 1,000!

Sign now with a click

The California Housing is Key program is ignoring needy applicants who will become homeless. There are people who have applied back as far as April who are still being ignored.  Many qualified applicants have been labeled as "flagged for program evaluation".  Most people don’t even know why they have been put in this group, but does it really matter?  Nobody has the time to wait while they figure it out! 

These high risk homeless applicants some who have also have children to care for are being left out by a program that has promised to help them within 30 days. We think Horne LLP are most likely responsible for failing to administer the programs funds in the way that have been promised.  They have set up call centers that offer no help and have not hired enough trained caseworkers. And why are they helping late applicants over those who applied earlier?  They promised to help those who are most in need first but this clearly is not happening. Where is all this money going?  And why does it feel like yet another case of profit over people?

This vital rescue plan needs to address everybody or California is going to be swept up in a tidal wave of evictions and homeless families  which will affect the future of our state and quality of our living.   It will prevent people from being able to catch up from the devastation of COVID19 and there is no reason for this happening when the state has been awarded enough funds to help everyone. 

Please sign and tell others.  This will be going to politicians, the Housing Authority, Housing is Key, Horne LLP, the media and many others who have influence.  The SOONER we get enough signatures, the FASTER everyone will get help!  Do it before funds run out.    

Sign now with a click

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