Friday, February 25, 2022

#Petition: Trans kids in Texas - Stop Greg Abbot from destroying transgender minor’s lives in Texas

In a letter on Tuesday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott called on citizens to report parents of transgender kids for abuse. He referred to gender-affirming health care as “child abuse” and said that those whole fail to report it could face “criminal penalties.” Jessica says he’s bullying children for political gain. Add your name to tell Governor Abbott to leave trans kids alone.

Stop Greg Abbot from destroying transgender minor’s lives in Texas

3,746 have signed Jessica Ryan’s petition. Let’s get to 5,000!

Sign now with a click

Greg Abbot, the governor of Texas, just declared that trans children who receive gender-affirming healthcare are being “abused” by their parents. He’s ordered the state’s Department of Family and Protective Services to investigate parents of children who are transitioning. 

Tell Governor Abbott to stop terrorizing trans kids and their families for political gain. 

As a transgender female, I cannot stand by and watch this happen. We cannot allow this to happen to our younger siblings. People in power need to understand that being transgender is not a choice, it is not a mental illness and helping your child get treatment for gender dysphoria it is not abuse.

The thought that children who have had their health and well-being taken seriously by seeing accredited doctors and medical institutions so that they can receive the treatment they so desperately need, which for many transgender patients is the difference between life and death, could be taken away from their parents, is utterly insane.

This is utterly inhumane, unconstitutional and a total hate crime.

To Texas and her elected officials, we demand that this action be reversed immediately and that human rights be restored to the transgender youth of Texas.

We are human and we have as much right to a happy and healthy life of liberty as anyone else.

Greg Abbot you care more about votes than the lives of the people you were put in power to protect. Well, let these numbers speak for themselves and maybe you will realize that the people who’s children you are potentially killing are voters as well and that the voices of our community are just as powerful an influence.

The power to change the world is in our hands. It is time for us to take action. If we don’t speak up for ourselves, and each other then who will?

Our siblings need us now more than ever.

Sign now with a click

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