Thursday, September 23, 2021

We’re close to a pathway to citizenship - Your help is critical NOW!

SojoAction Alert

We are the closest we have been in 35 years to creating a pathway to citizenship! 

Now is the time for us to hold our Representatives and Senators publicly accountable for creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants this year. Join us in spreading the word by sharing the image below on Facebook or Twitter

Currently, the Senate is working to create a federal budget through the reconciliation process which requires 51 votes to pass and avoids a filibuster. The budget language includes a pathway to citizenship for nearly 7 million immigrant youth, TPS holders, farmworkers, and essential workers. 

However, Sunday night the Senate Parliamentarian (an unelected advisor to the Senate, who offers guidance on Senate rules and precedent) recommended against including citizenship in the reconciliation bill. This news was a huge disappointment for immigrant people and our communities. But our fight is far from over. We have known all along that this would be a back-and-forth conversation where we would have to present several options after getting feedback. 

Our elected leaders—the people WE sent to represent us in Congressstill have the power to make the moral choice and include a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrant youth, TPS holders, farm workers, and other essential workers. 

As people of faith, we must remind our leaders that every human is made in the image of God. Each person deserves to be treated with dignity and should have the chance to flourish and live a full life. We must keep working until all under documented and undocumented immigrant people can have lasting protections!

In hope,

Paola Fuentes Gleghorn
Immigration and Women & Girls Campaign Manager

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