Monday, September 20, 2021 - SIDS prevention in infants

Samantha woke up one day to feed her baby granddaughter only to find out she was unresponsive. Tragically, the baby lost her life to SIDS. Had the baby been wearing an owlet sock—a device that monitors a child’s heart and blood oxygen levels—she might still be alive today. The problem? These devices cost 300 dollars. Samantha started her petition so that all hospitals are required to give owlets out at no cost in every care package for newborns. Join her to save the lives of thousands of babies. 

Owlets for every mother regardless of income or status

1,519 have signed Samantha Flannery’s petition. Let’s get to 2,500!

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Hello, My name is Samantha Flannery and on 8/27/2021 my life forever changed. I woke up about 4am to feed my 7wk old granddaughter. She was a happy, healthy baby. But when I tried to wake her she was unresponsive, my husband called 911 while I did CPR, SHE WAS PRONOUNCED DEAD in the ambulance...Everything they told us is that it was a SIDS death...I have talked to several women who have been thru this exact scenario. But in reality these deaths shouldn’t be happening. We have the technology to stop SIDS NOW! There is a device called the "OWLET BABY MONITOR" this small device fits on your babies foot just like a sock, it monitors your babies heart rate, breathing and even tracks your babies sleep pattern and if anything changes it sends out a very loud alarm. But there is a big problem. This device is $300 a pop. With all the bills and Drs. Cost and everything you need for baby very  few can afford this expense. I know that my family just recently found out about this product and yes we wanted it for our baby but we were going to have to save up for this item for several months and by then it was already to late. I miss my beautiful Grandbaby every single day. That’s why I am doing this so countless others won’t have to suffer the tragedy that my family just went thru...So when baby leaves the hospital all hospitals send baby home with a care package which even includes a breast pump. I want to see an OWLET go home with every new mother and child. I am myself am working to start a FOUNDATION that will offer Owlets to those less fortunate. But together we can save thousands of babies please help.


Samantha & Robert Flannery II

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