Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Faiths 4 Climate Justice banner designs!

GreenFaith Logo

F4CJ banner designs are here!

Clean air. Drinkable water. Universal access to clean energy.

No matter our diverse beliefs and traditions, we all agree that these things are worth protecting and fighting for.

As the old adage goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” This past month, images of climate destruction have been impossible to miss.

Downpours and deadly floods in Germany and New York. Fires in California. Another massive storm with New Orleans in its sights.

When you let it all sink in, it’s a grim picture indeed.

At Faiths 4 Climate Justice, together we’re responding by giving the world something beautiful to look at. Something faithfully provocative that gets right to the heart of the matter. Images that show our deepest values and beliefs.

Thanks to your ideas and inputs, we’ve developed some beautifully-designed banners with slogans rooted in our religious and spiritual traditions and with clear demands.

 Here are some examples:

You’ll find more new banner designs and templates here. There are resources to make your own banner and downloadable designs ready for your local print shop. Take a look and get creative!

A banner at your temple, mosque, or church will deliver your message with style. It’s a great way to grab the attention of your neighborhood and your local media, and to make a mark on social media.

Combined with banners at places of prayer, meditation and worship around the world, your banner will be part of the Faiths 4 Climate Justice mosaic that unveils the most beautiful and important image of all: a global, multi-faith community coming together to protect people and planet.  

Remember - a picture is worth a thousand words. Get started on your Faith 4 Climate Justice banner today!

In solidarity and hope,

Rev. Fletcher and the GreenFaith team

P.S. - Here’s one more banner - and I hope you’ll check out all the other designs now.

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