Thursday, September 30, 2021 - A&W

A&W is a global brand that operates restaurants around the world. But in many parts of the world, they rely on hens raised in deadly and cruel battery cages for eggs in their supply chain. These hens are stuffed into cages so tight they can’t move, suffering deformities and injuries. A&W stopped using battery cages in Canada, and now the group Sinergia Animal wants them to make this same commitment worldwide. Add your name and tell A&W to stop the use of battery cages for hens.

A&W: Please stop sourcing eggs from outdated and cruel systems called battery cages

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A&W is well-known in Thailand and Indonesia for its signature root beer, waffles, and kind-faced brown bear mascot. This multinational fast-food chain from the United States has been doing great in catering to Thais’ tastes and cultural preferences. And we know they can do better! We want A&W to be kinder to animals and fairer to Thai and Indonesian consumers!

A&W uses eggs in a number of their products, such as their waffles. With the growing awareness towards animal welfare and food safety standards among Thai and Indonesian consumers, it would be great if A&W could assure their customers of animal welfare and food safety standards by announcing the commitment to stop sourcing eggs from farms that keep hens in battery cages.

Battery cages are small cages commonly used in the Thailand and Indonesian egg industry. This system is harmful for humans and hens. Major studies conducted in the European Union reveal that the risk of salmonella contamination in cage farms is significantly higher than in cage-free farms. According to the World Health Organization, one of the most prevalent types of salmonella "is estimated to cause 93.8 million cases of acute gastroenteritis and 155,000 deaths globally each year, approximately 85% of which are estimated to be foodborne."

Hens suffer immensely in battery cages. A hen who spends her life in a battery cage has to share the cell with 4–5 other hens, so she gets a space smaller than an A4 paper to live. She will spend her entire life standing on the wire cage floor with her bare feet, barely able to spread her wings, let alone walk around to exercise. Her body might get caught in the metal cage, leaving her with painful injuries and feather loss.

She has to endure this life simply because she was born a hen, which is not something she chose. What has she done to deserve this?

A&W already knows battery cages are outdated and cruel. This is why it has already announced its commitment to stop sourcing eggs from cage farms for the entire supply chain in Canada. We invite A&W to extend its commitment to the supply chain in Thailand and Indonesia as well.

Can you help us help hens? Let’s ask A&W to be kinder to animals by announcing its commitment to stop sourcing eggs from farms that keep hens in cages. Sign this petition and share it on your social media accounts!

Salmonella control in poultry flocks and its public health impact

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